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Project Description

TkResolver++ is a suite of software for conducting experiments into psychokinesis. It uses the output from a
random number generator to determine the course of a line as it is drawn down the computer screen. Experiments consist of an operator who attempts to influence the behavior of the line drawing. The software records in a database the operator's details, the experimental variables, and the observed results. The suite includes programs for
conducting visualization and statistical analysis of the database.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-10-14 22:27

The focus of this release it to bring the software to a state where it is usable in laboratory experiments. Randomness retrieval, the display system, and pretty much everything else was modified to operate at the speed of the retriever, rather than at a constant, specified speed. A great deal of work was done to identify and eliminate possible bugs affecting the integrity of random data. Calculation of Schmidt's (2000) "potential energy" bunching metric was added to Analyser. A new retriever for id Quantique Quantis quantum random number generators was added.

2009-01-18 02:48

The database is now written to in a separate
thread and feedback is presented to the user. A
bug causing bad random number generation was fixed
for control experiment runs. A race condition in
randomness retrievers was fixed. An "out of
randomness" error during deterministic randomness
retrieval was fixed.
Tags: Major feature enhancements

2009-01-10 06:48

The integer and unsigned property types were merged into a single long integer type which means a change to the property tables; this should hopefully be the last such change. A bug was fixed in the editor where empty constraints caused a crash. A bug was fixed in libtkquery where no rows were returned. A bug was fixed in the Analyser where bad property-getting caused a crash.
Tags: Minor bugfixes

2009-01-06 22:38

The operator and location tables are now
property-based. There is a new data editor to edit
properties in any domain. The randomness and
randomness_bits fields of the experiment table are
now stored as properties. A critical bug that
produced invalid randomness was fixed.
Tags: Major feature enhancements

2008-06-03 08:36

This release adds a new query language for querying experiments through properties. The analyser has been updated to use the query language. The test and date_time fields in the experiment table have been changed to be properties.
Tags: Major feature enhancements

Project Resources