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Project Description

Xaes is a Cocoa implementation of AES. You can
encrypt / decrypt text or a file from the
application or Services menu. The key is stored in
Keychain (via system preferences) or typed in a
standalone window.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2005-09-25 14:33

The AES API was put in the framework. The project
was converted to Native Xcode 2.1. The Panther and
Jaguar versions are not maintained anymore.
Tags: Code cleanup

2005-03-02 15:51

A window to type the IV and key in standalone mode
was added, allowing the user to bypass Keychain.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements

2004-12-13 17:58

A panel for warnings was added. A wrong IV in some
cases was fixed (by replacing strncpy with
memcpy). xaes files should be decrypted before
using this version.
Tags: Minor bugfixes

2004-12-06 07:15

Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement

Project Resources