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Project Description

xajax is a PHP class library that allows you to
easily create powerful, Web-based, Ajax
applications or plugins using only HTML, CSS,
JavaScript, and PHP. Applications developed with
xajax can asynchronously call server-side PHP
functions and update content without reloading the
page. xajax is object oriented, supports passing
single and multidimensional arrays and associative
arrays, easy asynchronous form processing, and
supports a wide range of Unicode characters and
languages encoded with UTF-8.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2006-04-24 20:09

New functionality to permit calling Javascript functions from PHP and passing PHP variables, arrays, and object properties to the Javascript. It's kind of like JSON, but employs a custom XML format, and is native to xajax. This release also fixes various bugs and adds some other minor feature enhancements.
Tags: Major feature enhancements

2006-03-20 00:15

The code has been refactored to fix several ongoing bugs involving international character sets. The way a Javascript file is handled has been fixed to address a common bug. A bug with the Redirection function that incorrectly encoded the query string has been fixed. A bug that prevented innerHTML from being set to a numeric 0 has been fixed. Inconsistency in how events were added has been fixed. There are improvements to prevent a memory leak in IE.
Tags: Major bugfixes

2005-12-30 07:18

This is a major upgrade to xajax, featuring a
number of new features, under-the-hood
improvements, and bugfixes. Some highlights
include object support for registered functions,
support for registering functions in external PHP
files, pre-function and catch-all function
support, optional error handling, a heavily
refactored Javascript engine, a huge number of
interactive tests, and improved control over
character encoding.
Tags: Major feature enhancements

2005-07-12 08:07
0.1 beta4

Some serious bugs with the UTF-8 support were fixed. You can now pass single and multidimensional arrays and associative arrays from JavaScript into xajax-enabled PHP functions. If you pass a JavaScript object, the PHP function will receive an array of the object's properties. You can now easily process Form data asynchronously, including complex input naming that produces multidimensional and associative arrays. xajax can now work with Smarty templates. A bug with detecting non-standard ports was fixed.
Tags: Major feature enhancements

2005-06-29 00:26
0.1 beta3

The Javascript generated by xajax was modified to encapsulate all of the xajax core Javascript into a Xajax Javascript class.This release automatically compares the data contained in the xajaxResponse XML returned from the PHP function to the data that is already in the attribute of the specified element. The attribute is only updated with the new data if it will actually change what is already in the attribute. This eliminates the flicker hitherto observed in applications that update content at a regular time interval with data which may or may not differ from extant content.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements

Project Resources