Oberon-style tiling viewers in one window.
It also implies that the message handling loop is there too.
I tried using PanedWindow and the damn thing is just broken.
The demo script works: https://effbot.org/tkinterbook/panedwindow.htm
But when I put two TextViewerWidgets in there in the exact same way they wind up on above the other and no grab-to-slide, they're static.
Rant omitted.
from tkinter import ( Label, PanedWindow, Text, BOTH, HORIZONTAL, ) from joy.gui.textwidget import TextViewerWidget class W: def __init__(self): self.text_widget = None w = W() m = PanedWindow(orient=HORIZONTAL) m.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) top = TextViewerWidget(w, m) m.add(top) bottom = TextViewerWidget(w, m) m.add(bottom) m.mainloop()
This works...
I forgot about the call to .pack() in the extra init() method. D'oh!
I'm trying out the i3 tiling window manager and having the log and scratch in the same window isn't convenient anymore. Maybe a command line option or even the ability to change back and forth at runtime?
hg diff -r 9a180df09e646993360 -r 23bd7dd5bb0c > a.patch hg patch a.patch
Well, that was easy!
Thun$ hg log | head changeset: 408:10b24748d6c3 tag: tip user: Simon Forman <sforman@hushmail.com> date: Sat May 09 17:31:40 2020 -0700 summary: With i3 use separate windows again. changeset: 407:7a05bcb88df5 user: Simon Forman <sforman@hushmail.com> date: Wed Apr 29 07:46:32 2020 -0700 summary: Version 0.3.0
Something has gone horribly wrong. "tip" has lost primrec combinator?
Ah, no. It's still there. WTF Hg?
Just use a tiling WM like I3.
Rather than free-floating windows, set up the Oberon-style tiling. Bonus points if you can resize the tracks, extra-bonus if you can change the number of tracks.
This is a little involved: