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Welcome to Joypy Wiki

Most of the documentation is in the /docs directory:

They are Jupyter notebooks (there are instructions in the README for running them) and I have converted them to Markdown and HTML formats for easier viewing without Jupyter. Eventually I would like to migrate some of the information in the notebooks to this wiki.

Recent Tickets

Sphinx!2021-11-20 05:15
Set up Sphinx and see if I can rebuild the sphinx docs.sforman
CLI option to add definitions files.2020-05-21 09:11
There should be a CLI option like -d --defs= that you can give multiple times to add more definitions to the dictiona...sforman
RSS feeds?2020-05-19 03:06
It might be neat to read RSS feeds in the GUI?sforman
UI for Prolog2020-05-19 02:24
I want to explore string representations in the Prolog version of Thun. On the principle of "eat your own dogfoo...sforman
Record current site URLs.2020-05-19 02:00
I don't want to break any existing links on the site when making changes. To that end, record a...sforman

(For the wiki itself , you can find grammar and other documents on Sidebar links or Wiki guide in OSDN Docs-en project.)
