[Linux-video-devel] 動作環境調査

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chin****@club***** chin****@club*****
2002年 6月 7日 (金) 20:56:47 JST


Distribution  Linux Kernel  ALSA     NVrec     XviD          Ruby   Capture Card
------------  ------------  -------  --------  ------------  -----  ------------
redhat 7.2    2.4.17        0.5.12a  20020318  cvs-2002/3/4  1.6.6  GV-BCTV4/PCI
Vine 2.5      2.4.18        0.5.12a  20020318  cvs-2002/3/4  1.6.7  VA1000Plus
Vine 2.5      2.4.18        0.5.12a  20020408  cvs-2002/4/12 1.6.7  VA1000Plus


Hirokazu Yuuki
e-mail : chin****@club*****
postpet: chin****@postp*****

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