Data Base Scripts (createLog.sql-0.1) | 2009-05-22 15:46 |
Loveapple Communication API is base on JSON REST API(or XML REST API) XML-RPC protocol, but it's a REST(Representational State Transfer) web service.
And must addition parameter of jsessionid for request every time, except generalAPI.initConnection
Returns the session-id and token for the fist access in a session.
Type | Name | Requeid |
string | id | Y |
string | password | Y |
Return Values
Type | Name |
struct | token(string),session-id(string) |
Type | Name | Requeid |
string | nickName | Y |
string | passwd | Y |
string | Y | |
string | msn | N |
string | qqNo | N |
Return Values
Type | Name |
struct | member |
string | token | Y |
string | session-id | Y |
Return Values
Type | Name |
struct | member |
string | token | Y |
string | session-id | Y |
Return Values
struct | profile |
Create a new category. Parameters
Type | Name | Requeid |
string | token | Y |
array | sub-list(struct category) | N |
array | super-list(struct category) | N |
struct | category | Y |
Return Values
Type | Name |
string | added category ID |
Edit category info. Parameters
Type | Name | Requeid |
string | token | Y |
array | sub-list(struct category) | N |
array | super-list(struct category) | N |
struct | category | Y |
Return Values
Type | Name |
int | updated category counts |
Find category list. Parameters
Type | Name | Requeid |
string | token | Y |
array | sub-list(struct category) | N |
array | super-list(struct category) | N |
struct | category | Y |
Return Values
Type | Name |
list | category(struct) |
Create a new category. Parameters
Type | Name | Requeid |
string | token | Y |
array | super-list(struct category) | N |
struct | contents | Y |
Return Values
Type | Name |
string | added contents ID |
Edit contents info. Parameters
Type | Name | Requeid |
string | token | Y |
array | super-list(struct category) | N |
struct | contents | Y |
Return Values
Type | Name |
int | updated contents counts |
Find contents list
Type | Name | Requeid |
string | token | Y |
array | super-list(struct category) | N |
struct | contents | Y |
Return Values
Type | Name |
list | contents(struct) |
Structs be definition by schema and struct is same to JSON object.
Version: 2008/8/11
Type | Name |
string | token |
string | code |
string | message |
any type |
LastUpdate: 2009-01-16 15:29:40, ModifiedBy: loveapple
GNU Free Documentation License
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