SourceForge Ticket System
2013年 1月 25日 (金) 03:48:20 JST
#30560: Use dsyrk in CalcOrbitalElectronPopulation Open Date: 2013-01-22 15:56 Last Update: 2013-01-25 03:48 URL for this Ticket: RSS feed for this Ticket: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Last Changes/Comment for this Ticket: 2013-01-25 03:48 Update by: ktns * Ticket Close date set to 2013-01-25 03:48 * 状況 Update from オープン to 完了. * 解決法 Update from なし to 修正済み. Comment: Implemented at r1256 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Ticket Status: Reporter: ktns Owner: ktns Type: パッチ Status: 完了 Priority: 4 MileStone: (未割り当て) Component: (未割り当て) Severity: 5 - 中 Resolution: 修正済み --------------------------------------------------------------------- Ticket details: Speed up CalcOrbitalElectronPopulation by dsyrk routine of BLAS. Below is a part of a gprof output at r1238 {{{ Flat profile: Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds. % cumulative self self total time seconds seconds calls Ks/call Ks/call name 58.42 7105.98 7105.98 657 0.01 0.01 MolDS_cndo::Cndo2::CalcOrbitalElectronPopulation(double**, MolDS_base::Molecule const&, double const* const*) const 7.65 8036.59 930.61 655 0.00 0.00 MolDS_cndo::Cndo2::DoDIIS(double**, double const* const*, double***, double***, double**, double*, int, MolDS_base::Molecule c onst&, int) const 5.89 8752.62 716.03 158880184 0.00 0.00 MolDS_mndo::Mndo::GetFockOffDiagElement(MolDS_base_atoms::Atom const&, MolDS_base_atoms::Atom const&, int, int, int, int, Mol DS_base::Molecule const&, double const* const*, double const* const*, double const* const*, double const* const* const* const* const* const*, bool) const 4.89 9346.98 594.36 pow.A ... }}} -- This is Ticket on Project MolDS. MolDS Project hosted on SourceForge.JP. Project URL: SourceForge.JP: URL for this Ticket: RSS feed for this Ticket: