[Molds-dev] [molds] #34062: Use GEDIIS superposed force to calculate RFO step

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SourceForge Ticket System norep****@sourc*****
2014年 7月 21日 (月) 18:35:26 JST

#34062: Use GEDIIS superposed force to calculate RFO step

  Open Date: 2014-07-21 18:35
Last Update: 2014-07-21 18:35

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Last Changes/Comment for this Ticket:
2014-07-21 18:35 Update by: ktns

 * New Ticket "Use GEDIIS superposed force to calculate RFO step" created

Ticket Status:

      Reporter: ktns
         Owner: ktns
          Type: バグ
        Status: オープン
      Priority: 5 - 中
     MileStone: ver0.4.0
     Component: (未割り当て)
      Severity: 5 - 中
    Resolution: なし

Ticket details:

According to Eq.7 of Ref. LF_2006, the RFO step as a 2nd order correction of the GEDIIS geometry,
should be calculated by the GEDIIS superposed force, instead of the force obtained from previous geometry.

This is Ticket on Project MolDS.
MolDS Project hosted on SourceForge.JP.

Project URL: http://sourceforge.jp/projects/molds
SourceForge.JP: http://sourceforge.jp

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