nimbus (1.2.4) | 2018-01-25 20:02 |
nimbus-sample (1.2.4) | 2018-01-26 17:06 |
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Shift_JIS"?>
- "-//Nimbus//DTD Nimbus 1.0//JA"
- "">
- <server>
- <manager>
- <!-- TickUnitAdjustCommonDivisorMapサービス -->
- <service name="TickUnitAdjustCommonDivisorMap"
- code="jp.ossc.nimbus.service.graph.TickUnitAdjustCommonDivisorMapService">
- <!-- 値に対する目盛り値の公約数のマッピング -->
- <attribute name="CommonDivisorMap">
- VALUE gt 0 and VALUE lt 3000 = 1,
- VALUE ge 3000 and VALUE lt 5000 = 5,
- VALUE ge 5000 and VALUE lt 30000 = 10,
- VALUE ge 30000 and VALUE lt 50000 = 50,
- VALUE ge 50000 and VALUE lt 300000 = 100,
- VALUE ge 300000 and VALUE lt 500000 = 500,
- VALUE ge 500000 and VALUE lt 3000000 = 1000,
- VALUE ge 3000000 and VALUE lt 5000000 = 5000,
- VALUE ge 5000000 and VALUE lt 30000000 = 10000,
- VALUE ge 30000000 and VALUE lt 50000000 = 50000,
- VALUE ge 50000000 = 100000
- </attribute>
- </service>
- </manager>
- </server>