[Phoby-users] Anybody have any idea what I'm doing wrong.

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nouy Mackie Macki****@grade*****
2007年 8月 15日 (水) 01:22:13 JST

T h+i's Tue.sday i-t-s CYTV_!!! 

G e_t on C'Y_T'V Fi rst Th ing on T*UES_DAY, i+t,'*s goi.ng to ex_pload! 

Compa-n y: CH-INA Y OUTV C,O.R P (_O,T_C B-B:CY'TV.OB) 
Sy-mbol:  C Y_T_V 
Cu_rrent Pr-ice: $+0+.'4*6 

Monda,y Mo+ve: ( U p Over(1'2,.20%) 

T-h e pri ce is at a minimu.m it w-i-l.l b+o-o-m on Tu+esday! 

Recomme'n'dation: "STRON.G--BUY" start+_ing on Tu-e+sday, A.UGUST 1'4+, 2-0'0*6_. 

B+re+aking N,e.w*s*: 


Ch-ina Yo_uTV's C,nBoo W-e b S'i_t*e R,anks N+o,.-1 on Mi.c,rosoft L i.v,e Searc*h Engi,ne 

Agg're_sive Trade'rs 

G'e*t in e arly, t_h*i_s o n e c-a,n f.l+i p h i,g+h re,turns f.a.s.t-. 

T,h'i+s is ca,lled a h_idden buf_fer. 

A valu*e of 7 d-'isplays every*th-ing (.this displ_ay g.e t's v_e,r y l-ong). 
At fir'st t-h i's erro,r cou_ld n+o*t be dete..cted in V.C_+ + v e_r 4.

Opti.miz*ation, P..arallel Proce_ssin_g a'n,d ap-plications*. 
N-obody h-e*r_e men+tione'd us'ing t'h e Reso.,urce Edito-r at a+l-l*, n+o't to me ntion editin,g an i.c o-n (,",o-r somethi, ng"). 
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