Forums: English (Thread #11778)

Does anybody interesting in datamatrix coode? (2006-07-18 05:45 by drhu00 #23805)

yanbe, can you also make the decode of datamatrix works for CLDC 1.0? I have some resouce of encode part in c, but the decode part in semacode is only works for CLDC 1.1 which use float point I think.( source is not available, therefore can't modify it, but there is a jar lib file). The datamatrix code is very popular in US. Therefore I am thinking to have a J2ME application for this.

BTW, there is a good site for how to use 2D barcode in real life. Check, do you want to create a similar site for QRCode?

Any body interested, please contact me at

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RE: Does anybody interesting in datamatrix coode? (2006-07-22 01:24 by drhu00 #23893)

find a open source for data matrix in C

Who can convert it to java?
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RE: Does anybody interesting in datamatrix coode? (2011-12-09 12:43 by Norris Thompson #61079)

Hey, I take an interest in Data Matrix! It is a cool stuff and easy to produce.
I've tried a lot in my daily life. These are by far my favorite tools for generating and scanning Data Matrix:
As I know, Data Matrix barcode size may decide whether the barcode image can be read by devices. And I've seen an article about Data Matrix size setting. Hope it be useful.
As well, the information about C# Data Matrix size setting is still available here.
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