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Project Description

RebornOS is a distribution based on Arch Linux

It starts as an Antergos bifurcation, offering more options during its installation, based on the Antergos cnchi installer, using the latter's repository, and one of its own.

Once the development of Antergos is finished, RebornOS becomes an independent distribution, no longer depending on the Antergos repository, but on its own repository (besides, of course, the Arch Linux repositories).

It currently offers a calamares-based installer.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined

Released at 2020-05-03 06:33
RebornOS 2020.05.02 (2 files Hide)

Release Notes

New cnchi-based installer version: RebornOS-2020.05.02-x86_64.iso

(1). Early OOM Daemon for Linux (earlyoom) it is active by default.
(2). "Uncomplicated Firewall" is installed by default, and it is turned off. If you want to use it, just activate and configure it to your liking (search for "gufw" to load it).
(3). "qt5ct" is preconfigured. It is no longer necessary to edit the "/etc/environment" file in order to use it (in GTK environments).

Nuevo instalador basado en cnchi disponible: RebornOS-2020.05.02-x86_64.iso

(1). Early OOM Daemon se encuentra activado por defecto.
(2). "Uncomplicated Firewall" está instalado por defecto, pero se encuentra apagado. Si desea utilizarlo, busque "gufw" y encienda el cortafuegos, configurándolo a su gusto (si desea utilizarlo).
(3). "qt5ct" está ya preconfigurado, por lo que no será necesario editar ningún archivo para utilizarlo (en entornos GTK).


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