RebornOS for Raspberry Pi 4 4 GB beta for Test

Download the file at :

To start the script please type

sudo sh
in the console. After entering the password, the script starts with the instruction to close all file managers.
Then you can choose between lxqt and xfce Desktop Enviroment.

In the next step select the SD card you want to install RebornOS on, I use a USB SD card adapter so the drive is declared as /dev/sda for a sdcard reader included your Computer use /dev/mmcblk0.
After the basic settings are made, the script partitions the SD card and formats it.
The script now searches for a mirror from which to download the RebornOS. This file is over 3 GB in size and it takes time to load it.
After downloading the file, it is also unpacked and copied, which of course takes time given the size of the file.
The next steps are synchronising with, and resizing the SD card.
The script ends with the folowing message:
The default user is alarm with the password alarm The default root password is root