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Project Description

Togoshi Fonts is a set of free Japanese fonts which includes 4 fonts (Togoshi Gothic, Togoshi Mincho, Togoshi Mono and Togoshi Mona Gothic) now.

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Released at 2007-07-04 23:11
togoshi-monago 20070628 (1 files Hide)

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戸越モナーゴシック固有の部分では、以下の 40 文字が(再)調整
", A, B, D, E, F, G, J, K, L, M, P, Q, R, T, V
W, Z, a, w, z, ´, å, ぁ, ぃ, ぅ, ぇ, え, ぐ, ね, へ, べ
ぺ, ゃ, や, ゅ, ょ, ョ, ヵ, ヶ