[Ttssh2-commit] Some proofreading

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Frederik Schwarzer schwa****@gmail*****
2010年 5月 11日 (火) 20:46:34 JST


I just stumbled over the German translation of TeraTerm and found it a bit ...
hard to read in times. So I quickly scrolled over it and fixed some of the
most obvious typos and style issues.

On that way I also fixed two typos in the original strings.

Both patches are attached.
If you want me to read answers, please CC me.

-------------- next part --------------
ファイル名: german_translation_fixes.diff
型:         text/x-patch
サイズ:     24625 バイト
説明:       無し
-------------- next part --------------
ファイル名: typos.diff
型:         text/x-patch
サイズ:     1229 バイト
説明:       無し
URL:        http://lists.sourceforge.jp/mailman/archives/ttssh2-commit/attachments/20100511/4726def1/attachment-0003.bin 

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