[Ttssh2-commit] [8321] ライブラリのビルドに不要なバッチファイルを削除した。

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scmno****@osdn***** scmno****@osdn*****
2019年 10月 20日 (日) 12:36:56 JST

Revision: 8321
Author:   yutakapon
Date:     2019-10-20 12:36:55 +0900 (Sun, 20 Oct 2019)
Log Message:

Removed Paths:

-------------- next part --------------
Deleted: trunk/libs/buildoniguruma.bat
--- trunk/libs/buildoniguruma.bat	2019-10-20 03:03:02 UTC (rev 8320)
+++ trunk/libs/buildoniguruma.bat	2019-10-20 03:36:55 UTC (rev 8321)
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-cd oniguruma
-if not exist "Makefile" goto mkmf
-for %%F in (Makefile) do set mftime=%%~tF
-for %%F in (..\buildoniguruma.bat) do set battime=%%~tF
-if "%battime%" leq "%mftime%" goto build
-del onig_sd.lib
-nmake clean
-copy win32\config.h config.h
-perl -e "open(IN,'win32\Makefile');while(<IN>){s|CFLAGS =|CFLAGS = /MT|;print $_;}close(IN);" > Makefile
-perl -e "open(IN,'win32\Makefile');while(<IN>){s|CFLAGS = -O2|CFLAGS = /MTd -Od|;s|_s.lib|_sd.lib|;print $_;}close(IN);" > Makefile.debug
-if exist onig_sd.lib goto build_release
-nmake -f Makefile.debug clean
-nmake -f Makefile.debug
-move onig_sd.lib sample\
-nmake clean
-move sample\onig_sd.lib .\
-cd ..

Deleted: trunk/libs/buildopenssl.bat
--- trunk/libs/buildopenssl.bat	2019-10-20 03:03:02 UTC (rev 8320)
+++ trunk/libs/buildopenssl.bat	2019-10-20 03:36:55 UTC (rev 8321)
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-cd openssl
-if exist "ms\ntd.mak" goto build
-perl Configure no-asm VC-WIN32
-copy ms\do_ms.bat ms\do_ms.bat.orig
-echo perl util\mk1mf.pl no-asm debug VC-WIN32 ^>ms\ntd.mak>>ms\do_ms.bat
-call ms\do_ms.bat
-nmake -f ms\nt.mak
-nmake -f ms\ntd.mak
-cd ..

Deleted: trunk/libs/buildopenssl30.bat
--- trunk/libs/buildopenssl30.bat	2019-10-20 03:03:02 UTC (rev 8320)
+++ trunk/libs/buildopenssl30.bat	2019-10-20 03:36:55 UTC (rev 8321)
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-rem \x83p\x83b\x83`\x93K\x97p\x83`\x83F\x83b\x83N
-rem pushd openssl_patch
-rem call check_patch.bat
-rem popd
-rem OpenSSL\x82̃r\x83\x8B\x83h\x82ֈڍs
-cd openssl
-if exist "out32.dbg\libcrypto.lib" goto build_dbg_end
-rem \x90ݒ\xE8\x83t\x83@\x83C\x83\x8B\x82̃o\x83b\x83N\x83A\x83b\x83v\x82\xF0\x8E\xE6\x82\xE9
-copy /y Configurations\10-main.conf Configurations\10-main.conf.orig
-rem VS2005\x82\xBE\x82ƌx\x8D\x90\x83G\x83\x89\x81[\x82ŃR\x83\x93\x83p\x83C\x83\x8B\x82\xAA\x8E~\x82܂\xE9\x96\xE2\x91\xE8\x82ւ̏\x88\x92u
-perl -e "open(IN,'Configurations/10-main.conf');binmode(STDOUT);while(<IN>){s|/W3|/W1|;s|/WX||;print $_;}close(IN);" > conf.tmp
-move conf.tmp Configurations/10-main.conf
-rem GetModuleHandleExW API\x88ˑ\xB6\x8F\x9C\x8B\x8E\x82̂\xBD\x82\xDF
-perl -e "open(IN,'Configurations/10-main.conf');binmode(STDOUT);while(<IN>){s|(dso_scheme(.+)"win32")|#$1|;print $_;}close(IN);" > conf.tmp
-move conf.tmp Configurations/10-main.conf
-rem Debug build\x82\xCCwarning LNK4099\x91΍\xF4(Workaround)
-perl -e "open(IN,'Configurations/10-main.conf');binmode(STDOUT);while(<IN>){s|/Zi|/Z7|;s|/WX||;print $_;}close(IN);" > conf.tmp
-move conf.tmp Configurations/10-main.conf
-perl Configure no-asm no-async no-shared no-capieng no-dso no-engine VC-WIN32 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501 --debug
-perl -e "open(IN,'makefile');while(<IN>){s| /MDd| /MTd|;print $_;}close(IN);" > makefile.tmp
-if exist "makefile.dbg" del makefile.dbg
-ren makefile.tmp makefile.dbg
-nmake -f makefile.dbg clean
-nmake -f makefile.dbg
-mkdir out32.dbg
-move libcrypto* out32.dbg
-move libssl* out32.dbg
-move apps\openssl.exe out32.dbg
-if exist "out32\libcrypto.lib" goto build_end
-perl Configure no-asm no-async no-shared no-capieng no-dso no-engine VC-WIN32 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501
-perl -e "open(IN,'makefile');while(<IN>){s| /MD| /MT|;print $_;}close(IN);" > makefile.tmp
-if exist "makefile" del makefile
-ren makefile.tmp makefile
-nmake clean
-mkdir out32
-move libcrypto* out32
-move libssl* out32
-move apps\openssl.exe out32
-cd ..

Ttssh2-commit メーリングリストの案内
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