[Ttssh2-commit] [8637] テストの文字列に日本語や韓国語をいれた

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scmno****@osdn***** scmno****@osdn*****
2020年 3月 28日 (土) 00:47:13 JST

Revision: 8637
Author:   zmatsuo
Date:     2020-03-28 00:47:12 +0900 (Sat, 28 Mar 2020)
Log Message:

- gui_commands_test_utf8.ttl は削除
  - gui_commands_test.ttl に統合

Modified Paths:

Removed Paths:

-------------- next part --------------
Modified: branches/unicode_macro_2/tests/gui_commands_test.ttl
--- branches/unicode_macro_2/tests/gui_commands_test.ttl	2020-03-27 15:47:02 UTC (rev 8636)
+++ branches/unicode_macro_2/tests/gui_commands_test.ttl	2020-03-27 15:47:12 UTC (rev 8637)
@@ -9,10 +9,9 @@
 call test_passwordbox
 call test_statusbox
 call test_macrodialogbox
-type = 1
 call test_listbox
-type = 2
-call test_listbox
+call test_filenamebox
+call test_dirnamebox
 messagebox "finish all tests" "test"
@@ -19,9 +18,9 @@
 ;;; messagebox
-s = "messagebox test\nthis is basic test\n3 lines"
+s = "メッセージボックス\nthis is basic test\n3 행"
 strspecial s
-messagebox s "test messagebox"
+messagebox s "メッセージボックス"
 messagebox "finish messagebox test" "test messagebox"
@@ -43,7 +42,7 @@
 yes = 0
 no = 0
 while ((yes == 0) or (no == 0))
-	yesnobox "push yes or no" "test yesnobox"
+	yesnobox "push 是的(yes) or 没有(no)" "test yesnobox"
 	if result == 1 yes = yes + 1
 	if result == 0 no = no + 1
 	sprintf "yes=%d no=%d" yes no
@@ -63,9 +62,9 @@
 s = "default string"
 match = 0
 while match == 0
-	inputbox "input `ok` to finish" "test inputbox" s
+	inputbox "入力 `ok` to finish" "test inputbox" s
 	s = inputstr
-	sprintf "input string is `%s`" s
+	sprintf "入力文字列 は `%s`" s
 	messagebox inputstr "test inputbox"
 	strmatch s "^ok$"
 	match = result
@@ -80,9 +79,9 @@
 match = 0
 while match == 0
-	passwordbox "input `password` to finish" "test passwordbox"
+	passwordbox "`password` と入力すると終了" "test passwordbox"
 	s = inputstr
-	sprintf "input string is `%s`" s
+	sprintf "入力文字列 は `%s`" s
 	messagebox inputstr "test inputbox"
 	strmatch s "^password$"
 	match = result
@@ -98,7 +97,7 @@
 ;;;		messagebox
 call test_statusbox_centerwindow
-call test_statusbox_setdlgpos
+;call test_statusbox_setdlgpos
 ; 表示されていない→表示する 時 センタリングされる
@@ -203,21 +202,19 @@
 ;;;		messagebox
 N = 7
-if type == 1 then
-   intdim done N
-   strdim strs N
-   strdim srcs N
+intdim done N
+strdim strs N
+strdim srcs N
 for i 0 N-1
 	done[i] = 0
-srcs[0] = "No man should understand where his dreams come from, Data. (Soong to Data, Birthright pt. 1)"
-srcs[1] = "The Advocate will refrain from making her opponent disappear. (Data to Ardra, Devil's Due)"
-srcs[2] = "He's comparing the Enterprise to a cruise ship? (Picard, The Neutral Zone)"
-srcs[3] = "What's the first rule of acquisition?"
-srcs[4] = "Once you have their money, you never give it back."
-srcs[5] = "Don't thank me, I already regret it. (Odo)"
-srcs[6] = "How long can two people talk about nothing? (Deanna, Starship Mine) "
+srcs[0] = "本気の失敗には価値がある"
+srcs[1] = "俺の敵は だいたい俺です"
+srcs[2] = "ちょっとだけ無理なことに挑戦してこーぜ"
+srcs[3] = "リーダーというのはやはり安心と興奮を同時にくれる"
+srcs[4] = "”止まる”も”進む”もコントロールするのはお前だ"
+srcs[5] = "どっちが楽しいかで決めなさい。"
+srcs[6] = "悩むなら、なってから悩みなさい"
 done_all = 0
 done_cancel = 0
 prev = 0
@@ -239,11 +236,6 @@
 		msg = "push `cancel`"
-	if type == 2 then
-		strconcat msg "==================================================================================================="
-		strconcat msg "\n=\n=\n"
-		strspecial msg
-	endif
 	listbox msg "test listbox" strs prev
 	if result < 0 then
 		done_cancel = 1
@@ -266,4 +258,29 @@
 messagebox "finish listbox test" "test listbox"
+;;; filenamebox
+;;; - Dependence
+;;;		messagebox
+filenamebox "ファイルを選んでください(load)" 0 "c:\"
+sprintf2 s "result %d inputstr %s" result inputstr
+messagebox s "test fienamebox"
+filenamebox "ファイルを選んでください(save)" 1 "c:\windows"
+sprintf2 s "result %d inputstr %s" result inputstr
+messagebox s "test fienamebox"
+messagebox "finish filenaebox test" "test filenamebox"
+;;; dirnamebox
+;;; - Dependence
+;;;		messagebox
+dirnamebox "whereディレクトリ" "c:\"
+sprintf2 s "result %d inputstr %s" result inputstr
+messagebox s "test fienamebox"
+messagebox "finish dirnamebox test" "test dirnambox"

Deleted: branches/unicode_macro_2/tests/gui_commands_test_utf8.ttl
--- branches/unicode_macro_2/tests/gui_commands_test_utf8.ttl	2020-03-27 15:47:02 UTC (rev 8636)
+++ branches/unicode_macro_2/tests/gui_commands_test_utf8.ttl	2020-03-27 15:47:12 UTC (rev 8637)
@@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
-;;; test gui commands
-call test_messagebox
-call test_errordialogbox
-call test_yesnobox
-call test_inputbox
-call test_passwordbox
-call test_statusbox
-call test_macrodialogbox
-call test_listbox
-call test_filenamebox
-call test_dirnamebox
-messagebox "finish all tests" "test"
-;;; messagebox
-s = "メッセージボックス\nthis is basic test\n3 행"
-strspecial s
-messagebox s "メッセージボックス"
-messagebox "finish messagebox test" "test messagebox"
-;;; error dialog
-;;; - Dependence
-;;;		messagebox
-messagebox "Please push `continue` button in next window" "test errordialogbox"
-messagebox "finish error dialog test" "test error dialog"
-;;; yesnobox
-;;; - Dependence
-;;;		messagebox
-yes = 0
-no = 0
-while ((yes == 0) or (no == 0))
-	yesnobox "push 是的(yes) or 没有(no)" "test yesnobox"
-	if result == 1 yes = yes + 1
-	if result == 0 no = no + 1
-	sprintf "yes=%d no=%d" yes no
-	messagebox inputstr "test yesnobox"
-sprintf "finish yesnobox test\nyes=%d no=%d" yes no
-s = inputstr
-strspecial s
-messagebox s "test yesnobox"
-;;; inputbox
-;;; - Dependence
-;;;		messagebox
-s = "default string"
-match = 0
-while match == 0
-	inputbox "入力 `ok` to finish" "test inputbox" s
-	s = inputstr
-	sprintf "入力文字列 は `%s`" s
-	messagebox inputstr "test inputbox"
-	strmatch s "^ok$"
-	match = result
-messagebox "finish inputbox test" "test inputbox"
-;;; passwordbox
-;;; - Dependence
-;;;		messagebox
-match = 0
-while match == 0
-	passwordbox "`password` と入力すると終了" "test passwordbox"
-	s = inputstr
-	sprintf "入力文字列 は `%s`" s
-	messagebox inputstr "test inputbox"
-	strmatch s "^password$"
-	match = result
-messagebox "finish passwordbox test" "test passwordbox"
-;;; statusbox
-;;; setdlgpos
-;;; closesbox
-;;; - Dependence
-;;;		messagebox
-call test_statusbox_centerwindow
-;call test_statusbox_setdlgpos
-; 表示されていない→表示する 時 センタリングされる
-; 表示されている時 width=変化しない height=変化する(フィット) pos=変化しない
-pause_time = 3
-statusbox "statusbox message" "test statusbox"
-pause pause_time
-sprintf2 s "1 line1\n2 line2 \n3 line3\n4 long long long long long line"
-strspecial s
-statusbox s "test statusbox"
-pause pause_time
-statusbox s "test statusbox"
-pause pause_time
-statusbox "statusbox message" "test statusbox"
-pause pause_time
-statusbox "statusbox message" "test statusbox"
-pause pause_time
-messagebox "finish statusbox centerwindow test" "test statusbox"
-pause_time = 1
-last_val = 3
-statusbox "statusbox message" "test statusbox"
-pause pause_time
-for i 1 last_val
-	x = i*10
-	y = i*10
-	setdlgpos x y
-	sprintf2 s "setdlgpos\ni=%d/%d\n(%d,%d)" i last_val x y
-	strspecial s
-	statusbox s "test statusbox/setdlgpos"
-	pause pause_time
-s = "Please overwrap other window\nwait 5 sec\nbringupbox test"
-strspecial s
-setdlgpos 0 0
-statusbox s "test statusbox"
-pause 5
-statusbox "bringupbox" "test statusbox"
-pause 5
-setdlgpos -10000 0	  ; go center
-messagebox "finish statusbox setdlgpos test" "test statusbox"
-;;; macrodialog box
-;;; show
-;;; - Dependence
-;;;		messagebox
-call test_macrodialogbox_show
-call test_macrodialogbox_move_resize
-messagebox "finish macro dialogbox test" "test macro dialogbox"
-N = 5
-intdim show_flag_list N
-show_flag_list[0] = 1
-show_flag_list[1] = -1
-show_flag_list[2] = 1
-show_flag_list[3] = 0
-show_flag_list[4] = 1
-for i 0 N-1
-	show_flag = show_flag_list[i]
-	show show_flag
-	if show_flag < 0 then
-	   s = "macro dialog box was hidden\ncheck task bar"
-	elseif show_flag == 0 then
-	   s = "macro dialog box was minimize\ncheck task bar"
-	elseif show_flag > 0 then
-	   s = "macro dialog box was shown\nmove this messagebox and check macro dialog box"
-	endif
-	sprintf "show %d\n%s" show_flag s
-	s = inputstr
-	strspecial s
-	messagebox s "test macrodialog/show"
-w = 15
-sprintf "move and resize test\nwait %d sec" w
-s = inputstr
-strspecial s
-messagebox s "test macro dialog"
-pause w
-messagebox "finish move and resize test" "test macro dialog/move and resize"
-;;; listbox
-;;; - Dependence
-;;;		messagebox
-N = 7
-intdim done N
-strdim strs N
-strdim srcs N
-for i 0 N-1
-	done[i] = 0
-srcs[0] = "本気の失敗には価値がある"
-srcs[1] = "俺の敵は だいたい俺です"
-srcs[2] = "ちょっとだけ無理なことに挑戦してこーぜ"
-srcs[3] = "リーダーというのはやはり安心と興奮を同時にくれる"
-srcs[4] = "”止まる”も”進む”もコントロールするのはお前だ"
-srcs[5] = "どっちが楽しいかで決めなさい。"
-srcs[6] = "悩むなら、なってから悩みなさい"
-done_all = 0
-done_cancel = 0
-prev = 0
-while ((done_all == 0) or (done_cancel == 0))
-	for i 0 N-1
-		if done[i] == 0 then
-			s = ""
-		else
-			s = "[selected]"
-		endif
-		sprintf2 s "%s %s" s srcs[i]
-		strs[i] = s
-	next
-	if done_all == 0 then
-		msg = "select one from list and `ok`"
-		if done_cancel == 0 then
-			strconcat msg " or `cancel`"
-		endif
-	else
-		msg = "push `cancel`"
-	endif
-	listbox msg "test listbox" strs prev
-	if result < 0 then
-		done_cancel = 1
-		continue
-	endif
-	prev = result
-	if done[result] == 0 then
-		done[result] = 1
-	else
-		done[result] = 0
-	endif
-	done_all = 1
-	for i 0 N-1
-		if done[i] == 0 then
-			done_all = 0
-			break
-		endif
-	next
-messagebox "finish listbox test" "test listbox"
-;;; filenamebox
-;;; - Dependence
-;;;		messagebox
-filenamebox "ファイルを選んでください(load)" 0 "c:\"
-sprintf2 s "result %d inputstr %s" result inputstr
-messagebox s "test fienamebox"
-filenamebox "ファイルを選んでください(save)" 1 "c:\windows"
-sprintf2 s "result %d inputstr %s" result inputstr
-messagebox s "test fienamebox"
-messagebox "finish filenaebox test" "test filenamebox"
-;;; dirnamebox
-;;; - Dependence
-;;;		messagebox
-dirnamebox "whereディレクトリ" "c:\"
-sprintf2 s "result %d inputstr %s" result inputstr
-messagebox s "test fienamebox"
-messagebox "finish dirnamebox test" "test dirnambox"

Ttssh2-commit メーリングリストの案内
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