[Ttssh2-commit] [9242] iniファイルの読み書きAPIをunicode版に切り替え

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scmno****@osdn***** scmno****@osdn*****
2021年 5月 10日 (月) 23:11:42 JST

Revision: 9242
Author:   zmatsuo
Date:     2021-05-10 23:11:42 +0900 (Mon, 10 May 2021)
Log Message:

- W系APIに切り替え
  - GetPrivateProfileStringW()
  - WritePrivateProfileStringW()
  - GetPrivateProfileIntW()
- iniファイルのエンコードを UTF-16LE (BOMつき) とすることができる
  - ただしiniファイル内のパス文字列などはUnicodeに未対応
    - 読み込み時ACPに変換される

Modified Paths:

-------------- next part --------------
Modified: trunk/teraterm/ttpset/ttset.c
--- trunk/teraterm/ttpset/ttset.c	2021-05-10 14:11:33 UTC (rev 9241)
+++ trunk/teraterm/ttpset/ttset.c	2021-05-10 14:11:42 UTC (rev 9242)
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
 #include "ttlib.h"
 #include "tt_res.h"
 #include "servicenames.h"
+#include "codeconv.h"
 #define DllExport __declspec(dllexport)
 #include "ttset.h"
@@ -48,6 +49,7 @@
 #define Section "Tera Term"
@@ -152,6 +154,91 @@
 	return (ret);
+ *	GetPrivateProfileStringA() \x82̃t\x83@\x83C\x83\x8B\x96\xBC\x82\xBE\x82\xAF\x82\xAA wchar_t \x94\xC5
+ */
+DWORD GetPrivateProfileStringAFileW(const char *appA, const char *keyA, const char* defA, char *strA, DWORD size, const wchar_t *filenameW)
+	DWORD lenA;
+	wchar_t *appW = ToWcharA(appA);
+	wchar_t *keyW = ToWcharA(keyA);
+	wchar_t *defW = ToWcharA(defA);
+	DWORD lenW_max = size;
+	wchar_t *strW = malloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * lenW_max);
+	DWORD lenW = GetPrivateProfileStringW(appW, keyW, defW, strW, lenW_max, filenameW);
+	free(appW);
+	free(keyW);
+	free(defW);
+	if (lenW == 0) {
+		free(strW);
+		*strA = '\0';
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if (lenW < lenW_max) {
+		lenW++;	// for L'\0'
+	}
+	lenA = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, strW, lenW, strA, size, NULL, NULL);
+	// GetPrivateProfileStringW() \x82̖߂\xE8\x92l\x82\xCD '\0' \x82\xF0\x8A܂܂Ȃ\xA2\x95\xB6\x8E\x9A\x97\xF1\x92\xB7
+	// WideCharToMultiByte() \x82̖߂\xE8\x92l\x82\xCD '\0' \x82\xF0\x8A܂ޕ\xB6\x8E\x9A\x97\xF1\x92\xB7
+	if (lenW != 0 && strA[lenA-1] == 0) {
+		lenA--;
+	}
+	return lenA;
+ *	WritePrivateProfileStringA() \x82̃t\x83@\x83C\x83\x8B\x96\xBC\x82\xBE\x82\xAF\x82\xAA wchar_t \x94\xC5
+ */
+BOOL WritePrivateProfileStringAFileW(const char *appA, const char *keyA, const char *strA, const wchar_t *filenameW)
+	wchar_t *appW = ToWcharA(appA);
+	wchar_t *keyW = ToWcharA(keyA);
+	wchar_t *strW = ToWcharA(strA);
+	BOOL r = WritePrivateProfileStringW(appW, keyW, strW, filenameW);
+	free(appW);
+	free(keyW);
+	free(strW);
+	return r;
+ *	GetPrivateProfileIntFileA() \x82̃t\x83@\x83C\x83\x8B\x96\xBC\x82\xBE\x82\xAF\x82\xAA wchar_t \x94\xC5
+ */
+UINT GetPrivateProfileIntFileW(const char *appA, const char *keyA, int def, const wchar_t *filenameW)
+	wchar_t *appW = ToWcharA(appA);
+	wchar_t *keyW = ToWcharA(keyA);
+	UINT r = GetPrivateProfileIntW(appW, keyW, def, filenameW);
+	free(appW);
+	free(keyW);
+	return r;
+ *	WritePrivateProfileInt() \x82̃t\x83@\x83C\x83\x8B\x96\xBC\x82\xBE\x82\xAF\x82\xAA wchar_t \x94\xC5
+ */
+BOOL WritePrivateProfileIntFileW(const char *appA, const char *keyA, int val, const wchar_t *filenameW)
+	wchar_t strW[MAX_PATH];
+	wchar_t *appW = ToWcharA(appA);
+	wchar_t *keyW = ToWcharA(keyA);
+	BOOL r;
+	_snwprintf_s(strW, _countof(strW), _TRUNCATE, L"%d", val);
+	r = WritePrivateProfileStringW(appW, keyW, strW, filenameW);
+	free(appW);
+	free(keyW);
+	return r;
+#undef GetPrivateProfileInt
+#undef GetPrivateProfileString
+#define GetPrivateProfileInt(p1, p2, p3, p4) GetPrivateProfileIntFileW(p1, p2, p3, p4)
+#define GetPrivateProfileString(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6) GetPrivateProfileStringAFileW(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6)
+#define GetPrivateProfileStringA(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6) GetPrivateProfileStringAFileW(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6)
+#define WritePrivateProfileStringA(p1, p2, p3, p4) WritePrivateProfileStringAFileW(p1, p2, p3, p4)
  * \x83V\x83\x8A\x83A\x83\x8B\x83|\x81[\x83g\x8A֘A\x82̐ݒ\xE8
  * \x95\xB6\x8E\x9A\x97񂩂\xE7Id\x82ɕϊ\xB7\x82\xB7\x82\xE9\x81B
@@ -298,7 +385,11 @@
 	strncpy_s(name, len, icon, _TRUNCATE);
-WORD GetOnOff(PCHAR Sect, PCHAR Key, PCHAR FName, BOOL Default)
+static WORD GetOnOff(PCHAR Sect, PCHAR Key, const wchar_t *FName, BOOL Default)
+static WORD GetOnOff(PCHAR Sect, PCHAR Key, const char *FName, BOOL Default)
 	char Temp[4];
 	GetPrivateProfileString(Sect, Key, "", Temp, sizeof(Temp), FName);
@@ -316,59 +407,85 @@
-void WriteOnOff(PCHAR Sect, PCHAR Key, PCHAR FName, WORD Flag)
+void WriteOnOff(PCHAR Sect, PCHAR Key, const wchar_t *FName, WORD Flag)
+void WriteOnOff(PCHAR Sect, PCHAR Key, const char *FName, WORD Flag)
-	char Temp[4];
-	if (Flag != 0)
-		strncpy_s(Temp, sizeof(Temp), "on", _TRUNCATE);
-	else
-		strncpy_s(Temp, sizeof(Temp), "off", _TRUNCATE);
-	WritePrivateProfileString(Sect, Key, Temp, FName);
+	const char *on_off = (Flag != 0) ? "on" : "off";
+	WritePrivateProfileStringA(Sect, Key, on_off, FName);
-void WriteInt(PCHAR Sect, PCHAR Key, PCHAR FName, int i)
+void WriteInt(PCHAR Sect, PCHAR Key, const wchar_t *FName, int i)
+void WriteInt(PCHAR Sect, PCHAR Key, const char *FName, int i)
 	char Temp[15];
 	_snprintf_s(Temp, sizeof(Temp), _TRUNCATE, "%d", i);
-	WritePrivateProfileString(Sect, Key, Temp, FName);
+	WritePrivateProfileStringA(Sect, Key, Temp, FName);
-void WriteUint(PCHAR Sect, PCHAR Key, PCHAR FName, UINT i)
+void WriteUint(PCHAR Sect, PCHAR Key, const wchar_t *FName, UINT i)
+void WriteUint(PCHAR Sect, PCHAR Key, const char *FName, UINT i)
 	char Temp[15];
 	_snprintf_s(Temp, sizeof(Temp), _TRUNCATE, "%u", i);
-	WritePrivateProfileString(Sect, Key, Temp, FName);
+	WritePrivateProfileStringA(Sect, Key, Temp, FName);
-void WriteInt2(PCHAR Sect, PCHAR Key, PCHAR FName, int i1, int i2)
+void WriteInt2(PCHAR Sect, PCHAR Key, const wchar_t *FName, int i1, int i2)
+void WriteInt2(PCHAR Sect, PCHAR Key, const char *FName, int i1, int i2)
 	char Temp[32];
 	_snprintf_s(Temp, sizeof(Temp), _TRUNCATE, "%d,%d", i1, i2);
-	WritePrivateProfileString(Sect, Key, Temp, FName);
+	WritePrivateProfileStringA(Sect, Key, Temp, FName);
-void WriteInt4(PCHAR Sect, PCHAR Key, PCHAR FName,
+void WriteInt4(PCHAR Sect, PCHAR Key, const wchar_t *FName,
 			   int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4)
+void WriteInt4(PCHAR Sect, PCHAR Key, const char *FName,
+			   int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4)
 	char Temp[64];
 	_snprintf_s(Temp, sizeof(Temp), _TRUNCATE, "%d,%d,%d,%d",
 	            i1, i2, i3, i4);
-	WritePrivateProfileString(Sect, Key, Temp, FName);
+	WritePrivateProfileStringA(Sect, Key, Temp, FName);
-void WriteInt6(PCHAR Sect, PCHAR Key, PCHAR FName,
+void WriteInt6(PCHAR Sect, PCHAR Key, const wchar_t *FName,
 			   int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6)
+void WriteInt6(PCHAR Sect, PCHAR Key, const char *FName,
+			   int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6)
 	char Temp[96];
 	_snprintf_s(Temp, sizeof(Temp), _TRUNCATE, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d",
 	            i1, i2,i3, i4, i5, i6);
-	WritePrivateProfileString(Sect, Key, Temp, FName);
+	WritePrivateProfileStringA(Sect, Key, Temp, FName);
 // \x83t\x83H\x83\x93\x83g\x8F\xEE\x95񏑂\xAB\x8D\x9E\x82݁A4\x83p\x83\x89\x83\x81\x81[\x83^\x94\xC5
-static void WriteFont(PCHAR Sect, PCHAR Key, PCHAR FName,
+static void WriteFont(PCHAR Sect, PCHAR Key, const wchar_t *FName,
 					  PCHAR Name, int x, int y, int charset)
+static void WriteFont(PCHAR Sect, PCHAR Key, const char *FName,
+					  PCHAR Name, int x, int y, int charset)
 	char Temp[80];
 	if (Name[0] != 0)
@@ -376,13 +493,19 @@
 		            Name, x, y, charset);
 		Temp[0] = 0;
-	WritePrivateProfileString(Sect, Key, Temp, FName);
+	WritePrivateProfileStringA(Sect, Key, Temp, FName);
 // \x83t\x83H\x83\x93\x83g\x8F\xEE\x95\xF1\x93ǂݍ\x9E\x82݁A4\x83p\x83\x89\x83\x81\x81[\x83^\x94\xC5
 static void ReadFont(
+	const char *Sect, const char *Key, const char *Default, const wchar_t *FName,
+	char *FontName, size_t FontNameLen, POINT *FontSize, int *FontCharSet)
+static void ReadFont(
 	const char *Sect, const char *Key, const char *Default, const char *FName,
 	char *FontName, size_t FontNameLen, POINT *FontSize, int *FontCharSet)
 	char Temp[MAX_PATH];
 	GetPrivateProfileString(Sect, Key, Default,
@@ -403,9 +526,15 @@
 // \x83t\x83H\x83\x93\x83g\x8F\xEE\x95\xF1\x93ǂݍ\x9E\x82݁A3\x83p\x83\x89\x83\x81\x81[\x83^\x94\xC5
 static void ReadFont3(
+	const char *Sect, const char *Key, const char *Default, const wchar_t *FName,
+	char *FontName, size_t FontNameLen, int *FontPoint, int *FontCharSet)
+static void ReadFont3(
 	const char *Sect, const char *Key, const char *Default, const char *FName,
 	char *FontName, size_t FontNameLen, int *FontPoint, int *FontCharSet)
 	char Temp[MAX_PATH];
 	GetPrivateProfileString(Sect, Key, Default,
@@ -454,7 +583,7 @@
 	fp = fopen(cfg, "r");
 	if (fp != NULL) {
 		while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL) {
-			int len = strlen(buf);
+			size_t len = strlen(buf);
 			if (buf[len - 1] == '\n')
 				buf[len - 1] = '\0';
@@ -532,7 +661,7 @@
 	char uimsg[MAX_UIMSG];
 	cygterm_t settings;
-	int i, linenum, len;
+	int i, linenum;
 	// Cygwin\x90ݒ肪\x95ύX\x82\xB3\x82\xEA\x82Ă\xA2\x82Ȃ\xA2\x8Fꍇ\x82́A\x83t\x83@\x83C\x83\x8B\x82\xF0\x8F\x91\x82\xAB\x8D\x9E\x82܂Ȃ\xA2\x81B
 	if (ts->CygtermSettings.update_flag == FALSE)
@@ -557,7 +686,7 @@
 	if (fp) {
 		i = 0;
 		while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL) {
-			len = strlen(buf);
+			size_t len = strlen(buf);
 			if (buf[len - 1] == '\n')
 				buf[len - 1] = '\0';
@@ -704,11 +833,16 @@
-void PASCAL ReadIniFile(PCHAR FName, PTTSet ts)
+void PASCAL ReadIniFile(PCHAR FNameA, PTTSet ts)
 	int i;
 	HDC TmpDC;
 	char Temp[MAX_PATH], Temp2[MAX_PATH], *p;
+	const wchar_t *FName = ToWcharA(FNameA);
+	const char *FName = FNameA;
 	ts->Minimize = 0;
 	ts->HideWindow = 0;
@@ -2249,9 +2383,13 @@
 	if (ts->UnicodeEmojiWidth < 1 || 2 < ts->UnicodeEmojiWidth) {
 		ts->UnicodeEmojiWidth = 1;
+	free((void *)FName);
-void PASCAL WriteIniFile(PCHAR FName, PTTSet ts)
+void PASCAL WriteIniFile(PCHAR FNameA, PTTSet ts)
 	int i;
 	char Temp[MAX_PATH];
@@ -2258,6 +2396,11 @@
 	char buf[20];
 	int ret;
 	char uimsg[MAX_UIMSG], uimsg2[MAX_UIMSG], msg[MAX_UIMSG];
+	const wchar_t *FName = ToWcharA(FNameA);
+	const char *FName = FNameA;
 	/* version */
 	ret = WritePrivateProfileString(Section, "Version", TT_VERSION_STR("."), FName);
@@ -3173,10 +3316,18 @@
 	WritePrivateProfileString(ETERM_SECTION, "BGThemeFile",
 	                          ts->EtermLookfeel.BGThemeFile, FName);
-	_snprintf_s(Temp, sizeof(Temp), _TRUNCATE, "%s\\%s", ts->HomeDir, BG_THEME_IMAGEFILE);
-	WritePrivateProfileString(BG_SECTION, BG_DESTFILE, ts->BGImageFilePath, Temp);
-	WriteInt(BG_SECTION, BG_THEME_IMAGE_BRIGHTNESS1, Temp, ts->BGImgBrightness);
-	WriteInt(BG_SECTION, BG_THEME_IMAGE_BRIGHTNESS2, Temp, ts->BGImgBrightness);
+	{
+		wchar_t TempW[MAX_PATH];
+		_snwprintf_s(TempW, _countof(TempW), _TRUNCATE, L"%hs\\%hs", ts->HomeDir, BG_THEME_IMAGEFILE);
+		char TempW[MAX_PATH];
+		_snprintf_s(TempW, _countof(TempW), _TRUNCATE, "%s\\%s", ts->HomeDir, BG_THEME_IMAGEFILE);
+		WritePrivateProfileStringA(BG_SECTION, BG_DESTFILE, ts->BGImageFilePath, TempW);
+		WriteInt(BG_SECTION, BG_THEME_IMAGE_BRIGHTNESS1, TempW, ts->BGImgBrightness);
+		WriteInt(BG_SECTION, BG_THEME_IMAGE_BRIGHTNESS2, TempW, ts->BGImgBrightness);
+	}
 	WriteOnOff(ETERM_SECTION, "BGIgnoreThemeFile", FName,
@@ -3576,6 +3727,10 @@
 	WriteInt(Section, "UnicodeAmbiguousWidth", FName, ts->UnicodeAmbiguousWidth);
 	WriteOnOff(Section, "UnicodeEmojiOverride", FName, ts->UnicodeEmojiOverride);
 	WriteInt(Section, "UnicodeEmojiWidth", FName, ts->UnicodeEmojiWidth);
+	free((void *)FName);
 #define VTEditor "VT editor keypad"
@@ -3584,7 +3739,11 @@
 #define XFunction "X function keys"
 #define ShortCut "Shortcut keys"
+static void GetInt(PKeyMap KeyMap, int KeyId, const char *Sect, const char *Key, const wchar_t *FName)
 static void GetInt(PKeyMap KeyMap, int KeyId, const char *Sect, const char *Key, const char *FName)
 	char Temp[11];
 	WORD Num;
@@ -3601,11 +3760,16 @@
 void PASCAL ReadKeyboardCnf
-	(PCHAR FName, PKeyMap KeyMap, BOOL ShowWarning) {
+	(PCHAR FNameA, PKeyMap KeyMap, BOOL ShowWarning) {
 	int i, j, Ptr;
 	char EntName[7];
 	char TempStr[221];
 	char KStr[201];
+	const wchar_t *FName = ToWcharA(FNameA);
+	const char *FName = FNameA;
 	// clear key map
 	for (i = 0; i <= IdKeyMax - 1; i++)
@@ -3851,17 +4015,33 @@
 					KeyMap->Map[i] = 0xFFFF;
+	free((void *)FName);
-void PASCAL CopySerialList(PCHAR IniSrc, PCHAR IniDest, PCHAR section,
+void PASCAL CopySerialList(PCHAR IniSrcA, PCHAR IniDestA, PCHAR section,
                                PCHAR key, int MaxList)
 	int i, j;
 	char EntName[10], EntName2[10];
 	char TempHost[HostNameMaxLength + 1];
+	const wchar_t *IniSrc = ToWcharA(IniSrcA);
+	const wchar_t *IniDest = ToWcharA(IniDestA);
+	const char *IniSrc = IniSrcA;
+	const char *IniDest = IniDestA;
+	if (_wcsicmp(IniSrc, IniDest) == 0)
+		return;
 	if (_stricmp(IniSrc, IniDest) == 0)
 	WritePrivateProfileString(section, NULL, NULL, IniDest);
@@ -3886,7 +4066,7 @@
 	WritePrivateProfileString(NULL, NULL, NULL, IniDest);
-void PASCAL AddValueToList(PCHAR FName, PCHAR Host, PCHAR section,
+void PASCAL AddValueToList(PCHAR FNameA, PCHAR Host, PCHAR section,
                                PCHAR key, int MaxList)
@@ -3894,6 +4074,11 @@
 	char EntName[13];
 	int i, j, Len;
 	BOOL Update;
+	wchar_t *FName = ToWcharA(FNameA);
+	char *FName = FNameA;
 	if ((FName[0] == 0) || (Host[0] == 0))
@@ -3910,9 +4095,9 @@
 			_snprintf_s(EntName, sizeof(EntName), _TRUNCATE, "%s%i", key, i);
 			/* Get a hostname */
-			GetPrivateProfileString(section, EntName, "",
-			                        &MemP[j], HostNameMaxLength + 1,
-			                        FName);
+			GetPrivateProfileStringA(section, EntName, "",
+									 &MemP[j], HostNameMaxLength + 1,
+									 FName);
 			Len = strlen(&MemP[j]);
 			if (_stricmp(&MemP[j], Host) == 0) {
 				if (i == 1)
@@ -3925,7 +4110,7 @@
 		} while ((i <= MaxList) && Update);
 		if (Update) {
-			WritePrivateProfileString(section, NULL, NULL, FName);
+			WritePrivateProfileStringA(section, NULL, NULL, FName);
 			j = 0;
 			i = 1;
@@ -3933,8 +4118,8 @@
 				_snprintf_s(EntName, sizeof(EntName), _TRUNCATE, "%s%i", key, i);
 				if (MemP[j] != 0)
-					WritePrivateProfileString(section, EntName, &MemP[j],
-					                          FName);
+					WritePrivateProfileStringA(section, EntName, &MemP[j],
+											   FName);
 				j = j + strlen(&MemP[j]) + 1;
 			} while ((i <= MaxList) && (MemP[j] != 0));
@@ -4045,7 +4230,7 @@
 			if (*s == ']') {
 				/* found IPv6 raw address */
 				/* triming [ ] */
-				int len = strlen(HostStr);
+				size_t len = strlen(HostStr);
 				char *lastptr = &HostStr[len - 1];
 				memmove(HostStr, HostStr + 1, len - 1);
 				s = s - 1;

Ttssh2-commit メーリングリストの案内
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