VT220 emulation of cursor on/off and scroll region commands does not work.
VT100 series does not support C1 control character.
Change the Terminal ID to be "VT220J" or higher in the Setup Terminal dialog box.
Thanks for the prompt response.
Prior to posting, I tried that exact thing (setting to VT220J) and the problem did not resolve.
Possibly a bug introduced in the latest version related to this setting?
VT100 series does not support C1 control character. Change the Terminal ID to be "VT220J" or higher in the Setup Terminal dialog box.
The problem did not reproduce it.
Could you show me your TERATERM.INI file?
Reply To doda
The problem did not reproduce it. Could you show me your TERATERM.INI file?
Here it is:
BG ; Use Background extension (on/off) BGEnable=off
; Use AlphaBlend API (on/off) BGUseAlphaBlendAPI=on
; Susie plugin path BGSPIPath=plugin
; Fast window sizing/moving BGFastSizeMove=on
; Flickerless window moving BGFlickerlessMove=on
; If HideTitle=on and BGNoFrame=on, use window without frame ; you can resize window with Alt + Shift + LeftDrag BGNoFrame=on
; wildcard => random select BGThemeFile=theme\*.ini
Term ; Tera Term version number Version=2.3
; Language (English/Japanese/Russian/Korean/UTF-8) Language=Japanese
; User interface language file that includes message strings. ; Tera Term uses English message when the filename is not specified. UILanguageFile=lang\English.lng
; Connecting timeout value(per seconds). No action if the value is zero. ; Connecting socket could be canceled after the value timeout if the value is greater than zero. ; The default value is zero(depends on Windows TCP/IP stack implementation). ConnectingTimeout=0
; pasting string by clicking mouse right button disabled DisablePasteMouseRButton=off
; pasting string by clicking mouse middle button disabled DisablePasteMouseMButton=on
; confirm pasting string by clicking mouse right button ConfirmPasteMouseRButton=off
; confirm changing clipboard string by clicking mouse right button ConfirmChangePaste=on PasteDialogSize=330,220 ConfirmChangePasteStringFile=
; Scroll out the current buffer when the clear screen does. ScrollWindowClearScreen=on
; Reset scrollback on display activity AutoScrollOnlyInBottomLine=on
; Starting the selection only by a left button. SelectOnlyByLButton=on
; Duplicate session by Alt-D Accelerator key disabled DisableAcceleratorDuplicateSession=off
; Send break by Alt-B Accelerator key disabled DisableAcceleratorSendBreak=off
; Send break Menu disabled DisableMenuSendBreak=off
; ANSI color definition (in the case FullColor=on) ; * UseTextColor should be off, or the background and foreground color of ; VTColor are assigned to color-number 0 and 7 respectively, even if ; they are specified in ANSIColor. ; * ANSIColor is a set of 4 values that are color-number(0--15), ; red-value(0--255), green-value(0--255) and blue-value(0--255). ANSIColor=0,0,0,0, 1,255,0,0, 2,0,255,0, 3,255,255,0, 4,128,128,255, 5,255,0,255, 6,0,255,255, 7,255,255,255, 8,64,64,64, 9,192,0,0, 10,0,192,0, 11,192,192,0, 12,64,64,192, 13,192,0,192, 14,0,192,192, 15,192,192,192
; Enable continued-line copy EnableContinuedLineCopy=on
; Mouse cursor type (arrow/ibeam/cross/hand) MouseCursor=ibeam
; Translucent window (0 - 255: transparency value) AlphaBlend=255
; Cygwin install path CygwinDirectory=c:\cygwin
; Viewlog Editor path ViewlogEditor=notepad.exe
; Locale for Unicode ;Locale=chs Locale=american
; CodePage for Unicode CodePage=65001
; Background color of text uses background color of screen (on/off) UseNormalBGColor=on
; Port type (serial/tcpip) Port=serial
; Window positions VTPos=-2147483648,-2147483648 TEKPos=-2147483648,-2147483648
; Terminal size TerminalSize=90,35 ; Terminal size=window size (on/off) TermIsWin=on ; Auto window resizing option (on/off) AutoWinResize=off
; Convert a received new-line (CR) char to CR/CRLF/LF CRReceive=CR ; New-line code to be transmitted (CR/CRLF) CRSend=CR
; Terminal ID TerminalID=VT220J
; Local echo (on/off) LocalEcho=off
; Answerback Answerback=
; Auto window switching (VT<->TEK; on/off) AutoWinSwitch=off
; Kanji code to be received (SJIS/EUC/JIS) KanjiReceive=SJIS ; JIS Katakana code to be received (7/8) KatakanaReceive=8
; Kanji code to be transmitted (SJIS/EUC/JIS) KanjiSend=SJIS ; JIS Katakana to be transmitted (7/8) KatakanaSend=8 ; Kanji-in sequence to be transmitted (@/B) KanjiIn=B ; Kanji-out sequence to be transmitted (J/B) KanjiOut=B
; Russian code set used in host RussHost=Windows ; Russian code set used in PC RussClient=Windows
; Window title Title=Tera Term
; Cursor shape (block/vertical/horizontal) CursorShape=block
; Hide title & menu bars and enable popup menu (on/off) HideTitle=off ; Hide menu bar and enable popup menu (on/off) PopupMenu=off
; Color mode (on/off) EnableANSIColor=on PcBoldColor=on Aixterm16Color=on Xterm256Color=on
; Enable scroll buffer (on/off) EnableScrollBuff=on ; Scroll buffer size ScrollBuffSize=10000
; Text and background colors ; for Normal characters VTColor=255,255,0,0,0,0 ; for Bold characters EnableBoldAttrColor=on VTBoldColor=0,0,255,0,0,0 ; for Blink characters EnableBlinkAttrColor=on VTBlinkColor=255,0,0,0,0,0 ; for Reverse characters EnableReverseAttrColor=on VTReverseColor=255,255,255,0,0,0
; URL(hyper link) text color EnableURLColor=on URLColor=228,55,156,0,0,0 URLUnderline=on
; Enable clickable URL EnableClickableUrl=on
; for TEK window TEKColor=0,0,0,255,255,255
; TEK color emulation (on/off) TEKColorEmulation=off
; Font VTFont=Fixedsys,0,-12,0 ; Bold style font (on/off) EnableBold=on ; Font for TEK window TEKFont=Terminal,0,-8,255
; Russian code set of the font RussFont=Windows
; Backspace key (BS/DEL) BSKey=BS ; transmit DEL by Delete key (on/off) DeleteKey=on
; Russian code set used in the keyboard driver RussKeyb=Windows
; Meta key (on/off) MetaKey=off
; Meta key sets MSB (off/raw/text) Meta8Bit=off
; Application keypad mode disabled. DisableAppKeypad=off
; Application cursor mode disabled. DisableAppCursor=off
; Serial port parameters ; Port number ComPort=20 ; Baud rate BaudRate=230400 ; Parity (even/odd/none) Parity=none ; Data (7/8) DataBit=8 ; Stop (1/2) StopBit=1 ; Flow control (x/hard/none) FlowCtrl=none ; Transmit delay per character (in msec) DelayPerChar=0 ; Transmit delay per line (in msec) DelayPerLine=0
; TCP/IP parameters ; TCP port# TCPPort=20000 ; Telnet flag (on/off) Telnet=on ; Telnet terminal type ;TermType=vt100 TermType=xterm
; Auto window closing option (on/off) AutoWinClose=on ; History list of hosts HistoryList=on
; Binary flag for Send File (on/off) TransBin=off
; Binary flag for Log (on/off) LogBinary=off ; Log append (on/off) LogAppend=on ; plain text flag for Log (on/off) LogTypePlainText=on ; timestamp flag for Log (on/off) LogTimestamp=off ; without transfer dialog flag for Log (on/off) LogHideDialog=off ; Default Log file name. You can specify strftime format to here. LogDefaultName=teraterm.log ; Default path to save the log file. LogDefaultPath= ; Auto start logging with default log file name. LogAutoStart=off
; XMODEM option (checksum/crc/1k) XmodemOpt=checksum ; Binary flag for XMODEM Receive and ZMODEM Send (on/off) XmodemBin=on
; XMODEM receive command XmodemRcvCommand=
; Default directory for file transfers FileDir=c:\Tera-Term
; Filter for send file FileSendFilter=
; Save Broadcast Command History BroadcastCommandHistory=on
; Broadcast command enabling flag on the dialog window (on/off) AcceptBroadcast=on
; Number of broadcast command history MaxBroadcatHistory=99
;------ special options (see Tera Term help)
; C1 (8-bit) control characters Accept8BitCtrl=on Send8BitCtrl=off
; Accept remote-controlled window title changing (off/overwrite/ahead/last) AcceptTitleChangeRequest=overwrite
; Wrong kanji-out [(H (Japanese only) AllowWrongSequence=off
; Alternate screen buffer support AlternateScreenBuffer=on
; Auto file renaming for downloading AutoFileRename=on
; Auto text copying AutoTextCopy=on
; Back wrap BackWrap=off
; Beep by BEL (on/off/visual) Beep=on
; Beep on connection & disconnection BeepOnConnect=off
; B-Plus auto receive BPAuto=off
; Escape all control characters in B-Plus BPEscCtl=off
; B-Plus log BPLog=off
; Clear serial port buffer when port opening ClearComBuffOnOpen=on
; Clear screen when window is resized ClearOnResize=on
; Clear screen after the connection is closed ClearScreenOnCloseConnection=off
; "Disconnect?" warning ConfirmDisconnect=on
; Control characters in kanji (Japanese only) CtrlInKanji=on
; Confirm send a file when drag and drop ConfirmFileDragAndDrop=on
; allow the sequences related to cursor control CursorCtrlSequence=yes
; Display all characters (debug mode) Debug=off
; Delimters for word selection ; (compatible with earlier versions of Tera Term) ; DelimList=$20 ; DelimDBCS=off DelimList=$20!"#$24%&'()*+,:;<=>?@[\]{|} DelimDBCS=on
; Disable mouse event tracking when Control-Key is pressed. DisableMouseTrackingByCtrl=on
; Disable wheel to cursor translation when Control-Key is pressed. DisableWheelToCursorByCtrl=on
; Line at a time mode EnableLineMode=on
; Popup menu EnablePopupMenu=on
; "Show menu bar" command EnableShowMenu=on
; Enable the status line EnableStatusLine=on
; Display "New Connection" dialog on startup HostDialogOnStartup=on
; Enable IME / inline input (Japanese only) IME=on IMEInline=on
; Kermit log KmtLog=off
; Language selection LanguageSelection=on
; Max scroll buffer size MaxBuffSize=500000
; Max serial port number MaxComPort=256
; Mouse event tracking MouseEventTracking=on
; Maximized window bug tweak MaximizedBugTweak=on
; Nonblinking cursor NonblinkingCursor=off
; Polygon cursor for KILLFOCUS KillFocusCursor=on
; Delay for pass-thru printing (in secs) PassThruDelay=3
; Direct pass-thru printing PassThruPort=
; Delay for paste per each lines (in msec) PasteDelayPerLine=10
; Printer font PrnFont=
; Page margins for printing ; (left, right, top and bottom in 1/100 inches) PrnMargin=50,50,50,50
; Quick-VAN log QVLog=off
; Quick-VAN window size QVWinSize=8
; Russian code set of printer font RussPrint=Windows
; Save VT Window position SaveVTWinPos=off
; Max lines per one jump scroll ScrollThreshold=12
; Scroll line count with mouse wheel button MouseWheelScrollLine=3
; Text selection on window activation SelectOnActivate=on
; Startup macro StartupMacro=
; Strict Key Mapping StrictKeyMapping=off
; TEK mouse code TEKGINMouseCode=32
; Telnet Auto Detection TelAutoDetect=on
; Telnet binary option TelBin=off
; Telnet auto echo TelEcho=off
; Telnet log TelLog=off
; Standard telnet port TelPort=23
; Keep-Alive packet sending interval on telnet connection (per second, 0=disabled) TelKeepAliveInterval=300
; Auto setup for non-telnet TCPLocalEcho=off TCPCRSend=
; Title format ; format ID: 5(000101) <title> - <host/port> VT/TEK ; format ID: 13(001101) <host/port> - <title> VT/TEK ; format ID: 29(011101) <host:tcpport/port> - <title> VT/TEK ; format ID: 45(101101) <host/port:baud> - <title> VT/TEK ; format ID: 61(111101) <host:tcpport/port:baud> - <title> VT/TEK TitleFormat=61
; Allow the sequences related to title report (accept/ignore/empty) TitleReportSequence=empty
; Translate mouse wheel to cursor key when application cursor mode TranslateWheelToCursor=on
; Unknown Unicode character handling UnknownUnicodeCharacterAsWide=off
; Mapping of Unicode to DEC special character ; The sum of following values: ; 1 : Box drawings (U+2500-U+257F) ; 2 : Bullet (U+2022) ; Hyphenation point (U+2027) ; Light shade (25%) (U+2591) ; Medium shade (50%) (U+2592) ; Dark shade (75%) (U+2593) ; Black small square (U+25AA) ; Black vertical rectangle (U+25AE) ; Black verty small square (U+2B1D) ; 4 : Middle dot (U+00B7) ; One dot leader (U+2024) ; Bullet operator (U+2219) UnicodeToDecSpMapping=3
; White & black color conversion UseTextColor=off
; VT Compatible Tab VTCompatTab=off
; Space between characters (lines) VTFontSpace=0,0,0,0
; Window Icon VTIcon=cygterm TEKIcon=Default
; Scaling factors for printing (in pixels per inch) VTPPI=0,0 TEKPPI=0,0
; wait4all' macro command Wait4allMacroCommand=off
; allow the sequences related to window control WindowCtrlSequence=on
; allow the sequences related to window report WindowReportSequence=on
; Window menu WindowMenu=on
; XMODEM log XmodemLog=off
; YMODEM log YmodemLog=off
; YMODEM receive command YmodemRcvCommand=
; ZMODEM auto receive ZmodemAuto=off
; ZMODEM parameters for sending ZmodemDataLen=1024 ZmodemWinSize=32767
; Escape all control characters in ZMODEM ZmodemEscCtl=off
; ZMODEM log ZmodemLog=off
; ZMODEM receive command ZmodemRcvCommand=rz
;------ end of special options
TTSSH ; SSH enabled flag (1=enabled 0=disabled) Enabled=0
; packet compression level (0=none) Compression=0
; default login username (setup to authentication dialog) DefaultUserName= DefaultForwarding=
; Cipher algorithm order ; (2...DES(SSH1), 3...3DES(SSH1), 6...Blowfish(SSH1), 7...3DES-CBC, ; 8...AES128-CBC, 9...AES192-CBC, :...AES256-CBC, ;...Blowfish-CBC, ; <...AES128-CTR, =...AES192-CTR, >...AES256-CTR, ?...Arcfour, ; @...Arcfour128, A...Arcfour256, B...CAST128-CBC, C...3DES-CTR, ; D...Blowfish-CTR, E...CAST128-CTR, etc) CipherOrder=>:=9<8C7D;A@?EB3062 KnownHostsFiles=ssh_known_hosts DefaultRhostsLocalUserName= DefaultRhostsHostPrivateKeyFile= DefaultRSAPrivateKeyFile= DefaultAuthMethod=3 ; Debug message logging level of TTSSH.LOG'. ; The default value is disabled(0). ; LOG_LEVEL_FATAL 5 ; LOG_LEVEL_ERROR 10 ; LOG_LEVEL_URGENT 20 ; LOG_LEVEL_WARNING 30 ; LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE 100 ; LOG_LEVEL_SSHDUMP 200 LogLevel=0 WriteBufferSize=2097152
; SSH protocol version (1 or 2) ProtocolVersion=2
; SSH heartbeat(keepalive): per second (0=disabled) HeartBeat=60
; Remember password in memory (1=enabled 0=disabled) RememberPassword=1
; Check supported auth methods with "none" method (1=enabled 0=disabled) CheckAuthListFirst=0
; Enable connection to the server that has RSA key length less than 768 bit (1=enabled 0=disabled) EnableRsaShortKeyServer=0
; SSH agent forwarding (pageant) (1=enabled 0=disabled) ForwardAgent=0
TTProxy ConnectionTimeout="10" SocksResolve="auto" TelnetHostnamePrompt=">> Host name: " TelnetUsernamePrompt="Username:" TelnetPasswordPrompt="Password:" TelnetConnectedMessage="-- Connected to " TelnetErrorMessage="!!!!!!!!"
TTXKanjiMenu UseOneSetting=on
TTXttyrec RecordStartSize=on
TTXRecurringCommand Enable=off Command= Interval=300
Menu ; 80x62 ;ResizeMenu1= 80, 24 ; ; 120x52 ;ResizeMenu2=120, 52 ; ; Width: no-change, Height: 52 ;ResizeMenu3= 0, 52 ; ; Width: 80, Height: no-change ;ResizeMenu4= 80, 0
;------ Telnet host list ; Max number of hosts is 200. ; You can edit this list in the Setup TCP/IP dialog box. ;Hosts ; Host name ;Host1=myhost.mydomain ; IP address ;Host2= ; Host name with option ;Host3=myhost.mydomain /F=myhost.ini ; COM1 port ;Host4=/C=1 ; Replay a file ;Host5=/R=readme.txt
Hosts Host1= Host2=sleep.mat-yan.jp Host3=shell.sourceforge.jp Host4=[fe80::201:80ff:fe36:cc7b%5] Host5=cgi3.tky.3web.ne.jp Host6=myhost.mydomain Host7= Host8=myhost.mydomain /F=myhost.ini Host9=/C=1 ;serial port Host10=/R=readme.txt ;replay a file
Change Lnguage setting to "English".
Japanese Shift-JIS encoding uses C1 control characters.
C1 control sequence support is disabled when using Shift-JIS encoding.
Reply To doda
Change Lnguage setting to "English". Japanese Shift-JIS encoding uses C1 control characters. C1 control sequence support is disabled when using Shift-JIS encoding.
Thanks! That did it!
I gues the difference beween the old version and this one is the default value for this setting.
VT220 emulation of cursor on/off and scroll region commands does not work.
Tera-Term 4.66 (SVN#3922)
I just updated my tera-term install to 4.66 and the VT220 cursor commands for cursor on/off and scroll region definition no longer work. Prior to this update, they worked correctly.
I was able to re-test with CRT (third-party VT220 emulator) and they work correctly with that emulator.
Something has changed betweem the previous version and this one, causing these cursor commands to stop working correctly.
"\233?25h" cursor on
"\233?25l" cursor off
"233n;mr" scroll region with 'n' = top, 'm' = bottom line , 'r' is command terminator.
I consider this severe as it breaks my in-field applications.