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Project Description

wm3d(flash11, Stage3D)/Watermelon(flash10 with Sandy 3D engine) are simple flash 3D molecular viewers developed with Haxe. Molecules can be drawn in various ways such as sphere, sticks, and ribbons. Watermelon can be attached on web-pages and pres...

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined

Released at 2012-01-22 20:22
wm3d 0.16 (1 files Hide)

Release Notes

No Release Notes


* NOTICE: XML structure will change in the next version( 0.20 )
* NOTICE: 0.20 XML will be incompatible with XML of former versions
* add prototype of web interface (it does not work now)
* rewrite eq2xml in python
* builder directory moves to scripts/python/builder
* add forward/back button (invisible when the movie has only one scene)
* add callback to get xml
* add callback to get current view
* code refactoring, remove all the __myLoadFromXml methods
* add multiframe mode, see samples/single.xml
* camera and rotation matrix are common for all the frames now
* press "f", "b" to move forward, backward, respectively
* modify data structure for multiframe