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Project Description

wm3d(flash11, Stage3D)/Watermelon(flash10 with Sandy 3D engine) are simple flash 3D molecular viewers developed with Haxe. Molecules can be drawn in various ways such as sphere, sticks, and ribbons. Watermelon can be attached on web-pages and pres...

System Requirements

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Released at 2012-02-21 21:39
wm3d 0.21 (1 files Hide)

Release Notes

No Release Notes


* add PPT VBA sample for work around on MS powerpoint
* change some default values
* add player/scaler
* bugfix: scene was always updated in every frame in 0.20
* add "play", "playrate" attributes to <GLOBAL>
* fix normal vectors of COIL faces
* add thickness parameter for ribbons
* add global default value of objects (<ATOMS>....) to <GLOBAL>
* fix builder bug; write error in alternate location indicator
* modify tinylib/RoundedCylinder.hx
* update builder; support for multiple structures in pdb file
(such as NMR structures)
* add gradation color for RIBBONs and COILs; color0 and color1 are used
* update web interface
* refine multi-structure; update view while loading <SCENE>s
* add 1F54_all.xml, 1F54_all.swf on samples