Ticket #43690

Saving options from optiondialog ignores changes

Open Date: 2022-01-26 14:03 Last Update: 2024-10-19 00:38

5 - Medium
5 - Medium


Based on reports by Dino The Dinosore in http://forum.freeciv.org/f/viewtopic.php?f=9&p=104765

"Save" in client option dialog confusingly does not save what user has just set and sees in the dialog, but what has actually been applied, i.e, one has to first "Apply" and then "Save". I see no reason for this behavior, but clicking "Save" should automatically include the apply step.

Both gtk- and Qt-client affected, sdl2-client likely not (setting component to "client common") though the bug is in each client's gui part.

Ticket History (3/4 Histories)

2022-01-26 14:03 Updated by: cazfi
  • New Ticket "Saving options from optiondialog ignores changes" created
2022-01-26 14:20 Updated by: cazfi

The problem is with server settings. Client can only send requests to the server to change the setting, but would then need to wait for the server to send actually changed settings (which can be only some of the settings, or even nothing at all), and this wait would need to be made so that the client main loop handles those server messages.

So not as easy as I thought.

2023-01-07 07:31 Updated by: cazfi
  • Milestone Update from (None) to S3_2 npf

Reply To cazfi

The problem is with server settings. Client can only send requests to the server to change the setting, but would then need to wait for the server to send actually changed settings (which can be only some of the settings, or even nothing at all), and this wait would need to be made so that the client main loop handles those server messages.

The solution would for the client to send some serial number to server after new option value, and server to reply with that same serial message when it has processed all the options that it received before it.

2024-10-19 00:38 Updated by: cazfi

Reply To cazfi

The solution would for the client to send some serial number to server after new option value, and server to reply with that same serial message when it has processed all the options that it received before it.

The network (npf) part -> https://redmine.freeciv.org/issues/976

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