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File Info

Rev. 532da57a7f0f1bd611c53ab5eeb1adb4d78d9917
Size 771 bytes
Time 2009-01-30 01:25:43
Author iselllo
Log Message

A code showing how to make countour plots from irregular data. It needs
a version of matplotlib above 0.98.1 (in this case I fetched it from the
unstable repos).


#! /usr/bin/env python

import numpy as np
from matplotlib.mlab import griddata
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy.ma as ma
from numpy.random import uniform
# make up some randomly distributed data
npts = 2000
x = uniform(-2,2,npts)
y = uniform(-2,2,npts)
z = x*np.exp(-x**2-y**2)
# define grid.
xi = np.linspace(-2.1,2.1,1000)
yi = np.linspace(-2.1,2.1,1000)
# grid the data.
zi = griddata(x,y,z,xi,yi)
# contour the gridded data, plotting dots at the randomly spaced data points.
CS = plt.contour(xi,yi,zi,15,linewidths=0.5,colors='k')
CS = plt.contourf(xi,yi,zi,15,cmap=plt.cm.jet)
plt.colorbar() # draw colorbar
# plot data points.
plt.title('griddata test (%d points)' % npts)