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Name Size Rev. Time Author Log Message
.clang-format 781 d5cf77a 2017-07-27 11:57:03 Erik Kline Revert "resolve merge conflicts of a2...
Android.bp 50 9720abc 2018-07-28 01:42:48 Steven Moreland Remove path from hidl_package_root. ...
OWNERS 111 bf6b851 2018-03-31 01:07:23 Keun Soo Yim update OWNERS for VTS Test: inspecti...
PREUPLOAD.cfg 76 d5cf77a 2017-07-27 11:57:03 Erik Kline Revert "resolve merge conflicts of a2...
current.txt 924 5864e3d 2019-02-12 06:13:17 Steven Moreland Freeze HALs for Android Q Bug: 11951...
update-makefiles.sh 198 d5cf77a 2017-07-27 11:57:03 Erik Kline Revert "resolve merge conflicts of a2...