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Crystal library and CLI tool for Catbox.moe

Name Size Rev. Time Author Log Message
.hgignore 35 79c7ed16a744 2023-03-31 17:51:29 Remilia Scarlet <remilia@posteo.jp> Ignore shard.lock
LICENSE 33.71 k 164612b11309 2021-08-27 19:30:38 Remilia Scarlet <remilia@posteo.jp> Initial import
README.md 4.47 k 7b5ffbb18c61 2023-04-20 16:36:25 Remilia Scarlet <remilia@posteo.jp> Update README
shard.yml 299 3c5ff3d4a8cb 2023-03-30 23:53:39 Remilia Scarlet <remilia@posteo.jp> Update to a newer libremiliacr versio...
src 3c5ff3d4a8cb 2023-03-30 23:53:39 Remilia Scarlet <remilia@posteo.jp> Update to a newer libremiliacr versio...
tools 3c5ff3d4a8cb 2023-03-30 23:53:39 Remilia Scarlet <remilia@posteo.jp> Update to a newer libremiliacr versio...



RemiCatbox is a simple API for the Catbox API. It also includes catboxtool, a command line program to access Catbox.

Wanna support Remilia? Buy me a coffee on Ko-Fi, or support me through Liberapay.

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How do I get set up?

You will need Mercurial installed to clone this repository.

You will need Fossil installed to clone some of the dependencies for this repository. You will also need Shards v0.17.1 or later. If you have an earlier version of Shards, you will need to to build the latest version manually.

If you just want to build the command line program, clone this repository locally, then run shards build (or shards build --release for a release build). The binary will be in the bin/ directory.

To use this as a library, clone this repository somewhere on your local machine, then look at Library Usage below.

Library Usage

    hg: http://hg.pf.osdn.net/view/y/yu/yukiraven/remicatbox

Command Line Usage

The command line client will upload files/URLs unless you tell it otherwise. To upload local files, call it like this (it will print the URL of the new file if the upload was successful):

catboxtool /path/to/file.png /path/to/other-file.jpg"

You can also specify URLs, or mix and match:

catboxtool /path/to/other-file.jpg http://www.example.com/some-image.png"

To delete a file on Catbox, use --delete and list out the Catbox filenames you wish to delete.

New albums can be created by specifying --album-title together with a set of files/URLs. The album will be called whatever you pass to --album-title. CatboxTool will report the Catbox URLs for the new files, as well as the URL for the new album.

Album management can be done with the --album option. This takes the short code of the album, which is the last part of an album's URL (for example, the short code for https://catbox.moe/c/a91gkg is a91gkg).

Use this for a full list of options:

catboxtool --help

The Configuration File and User Hashes

On Linux, the configuration file is located in the XDG config directory (usually ~/.config/). On Windows, it is in the %APPDATA%\catboxtool directory. In both of these cases, the file is named catboxtool.json. On Macs, it's located in the home directory as a hidden file called .catboxtool.json.

If a user hash is specified in the configuration file, then it is used for all interactions by default. This can be disabled with the --no-user-hash options.

If no configuration file exists, a new one will be created (without a user hash) when this is first run.


Style info

I use a somewhat non-standard style for my code.

  • Keep lines 118 characters or shorter. Obviously sometimes you can't, but please try.
  • Please use pascalCase for variable and method names. Use CamelCase for type names. Use UPPER_SNAKE_CASE for constants.
  • ALWAYS put parentheses around method parameters, except for these methods: puts, pp, p, raise, sleep, spawn, loop, and exit.
  • Always the full do |foo|...end syntax with blocks, except when it's all on one line, then always use { and }.
  • The type name for exceptions end with Error. For example, an exception when running and external program might be called ExternalProgramError.

How do I contribute?

  1. Go to https://osdn.net/users/yukiraven/pf/remicatbox/ and clone the Mercurial repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature.
  3. Push locally to the new branch
  4. Create a pull request on OSDN.


Links and Licenses

RemiCatbox and catboxtool are under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.