[Freeciv-tickets] [freeciv] #42993: Wonders needlessly hard-coded to override the building upkeep specified in the ruleset.

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Sat Jan 15 20:21:17 JST 2022

#42993: Wonders needlessly hard-coded to override the building upkeep specified in the ruleset.

  Open Date: 2021-10-07 13:09
Last Update: 2022-01-15 13:21

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Last Changes/Comment on this Ticket:
2022-01-15 13:21 Updated by: cazfi


Reply To lexxie9952

In particular, we have a wonder with negative upkeep (Hoover Dam) which relieves upkeep for other buildings in its own city.
Could that particular use-case be achieved with Output_Bonus_Absolute (#43593), or is there some semantic reason it wouldn't work? I would think that it would work only better (not disabled by A.Smith, AI would evaluate the effect correctly)
That "building sellable" development has uses other than this ticket, so I think it should go forward even if we don't accept it as something that resolves this particular ticket. While the first step might be just a boolean, further development could be three-state definition; not sellable / only force-sellable by server / sellable also by user. In any case, we can't accept any solution that causes server to crash.

Ticket Status:

      Reporter: lexxie9952
         Owner: (None)
          Type: Bugs
        Status: Open
      Priority: 5 - Medium
     MileStone: (None)
     Component: (None)
      Severity: 5 - Medium
    Resolution: None

Ticket details:

This bug was probably never found because the vast majority of wonders have 0 upkeep.
However, rulesets allow the ruleset designer to set the upkeep for any building or wonder.
There is no need for the server to hard-code 0 upkeep for wonders to override the ruleset values.
file: city.js
function: int city_improvement_upkeep(const struct city *pcity, const struct impr_type *b)
blamed lines:
if (is_wonder(b)) {
return 0;

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