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AKMDM's History

[Hg] commits were pushed to 'zandronum-cluster' (current: 054a305d9f6b7772f60c9ba0a1507effd91af0e2)
Fixed: strings with "\c[X]x]" at the end were still being treated as a trailing color code.
[Hg] commits were pushed to 'zandronum-sandbox-stable' (current: aa0d50830aea0a4908d67a76833613c7af078936)
Added a new option to "sv_allowvoicechat" that allows live players and (dead) spectators to use v...
[Hg] commits were pushed to 'zandronum-sandbox-stable' (current: 020cef2d6e7418d4600558a6f594ef91d93d69b2)
Fixed errors connected to the Opus repacketizer used in the VoIP controller.
[Hg] commits were pushed to 'zandronum-sandbox-stable' (current: 008685012eb0846de27a56182e076057321278ca)
The local player is no longer considered to be talking while doing a microphone test. If this is ...
[Hg] commits were pushed to 'zandronum-sandbox-stable' (current: 123b79757a68ebfa3f982384f9d22de910711467)
Renamed some voice chat CVars and CCMDs, and made minor changes to the "voice chat options" menu ...
[Hg] commits were pushed to 'zandronum-sandbox-stable' (current: 66fe6fd8b7a86ee5d95f8c4ed1a00bbb60609061)
Improved the synchronicity between the RMS volume bar and the actual volume of the client's voice...
[Hg] commits were pushed to 'zandronum-sandbox-stable' (current: d06dbe932eccb17aa7c6cd523258495503be16df)
Added CVars for adjusting the min/max rolloff distances of the proximity voice chat.
[Hg] commits were pushed to 'zandronum-sandbox-stable' (current: 3495f8b07772c5b85670dda297e4c288cb0ff160)
Fixed a typo where some stub member function definitions had semicolons at their ends.
[Hg] commits were pushed to 'zandronum-sandbox-stable' (current: 74f274e0316f06911fb55e408c819ad6789115f1)
Added a template function for reading (a portion) of a sound's buffer and executing a callback fu...
[Hg] commits were pushed to 'zandronum-sandbox-stable' (current: 218f181cc9ef18b52c52c53b128a04d62e1d936e)
Make sure to clamp the input audio samples in case they're amplified too much by snd_recordvolume.
[Hg] commits were pushed to 'zandronum-sandbox-stable' (current: 73149efb7b9cdcbb8eb0386ed7949daebdd4783c)
Removed an option from the "voice chat options" menu that's no longer needed.
[Hg] commits were pushed to 'zandronum-sandbox-stable' (current: 2dced7640b45d39abbc60bdf090f6156ec2ef256)
Added the CVar "snd_recordvolume" to control the volume of the recording device, up to 2.0, and m...
[Hg] commits were pushed to 'zandronum-sandbox-stable' (current: 5ec4e14b06dd007add0472f837222ebc726336d9)
Made it possible to amplify the voice chat volume, or that of a specific player's VoIP channel, u...