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Rev. Time Author
1a6deaea8771 2018-07-13 08:14:14 Pavel Rojtberg

Main: slightly clean up ColourValue

66de0e1aa27d 2018-07-12 22:12:24 Arthur Brainville

OgreMatrix4.h: add ctor that takes pointer to 16 floats (#809)

4e9b2078b28e 2018-07-12 07:23:52 Pavel Rojtberg

SWIG: update interface file

f4bc9dbdcc26 2018-07-12 01:28:14 Pavel Rojtberg

SWIG: wrap overloaded ResourceManager methods

067131c9e948 2018-07-12 00:16:47 Pavel Rojtberg

CMake: drop unused Doxygen settings

768ac59eec2e 2018-07-10 19:23:45 Pavel Rojtberg

add .codedocs file

c3b0ea4024e6 2018-07-09 06:57:37 Pavel Rojtberg

Main: simplify some getSquaredViewDepth computations

16202daaf3a0 2018-07-09 06:45:16 Pavel Rojtberg

Samples: VolumeTex - fix bounds computations

81ecb2520c5e 2018-07-09 06:37:12 Pavel Rojtberg

Samples: VolumeTex - fix segfaults

- due to dangling reference to ptex after shutdown
- nullptr dereference if RTSS has to regenerate the technique

ae09fa412c25 2018-07-08 01:01:50 Pavel Rojtberg

Pass: drop auto naming by index. Overriding by index is not supported

f98f1b23986a 2018-07-07 01:41:40 Pavel Rojtberg

CMake: correctly disable respective Components when SWIG is unavailable

also display a warning

af1984262a92 2018-07-06 01:20:18 Pavel Rojtberg

Main: ScriptCompiler - do not override named objects by index

if your object is named, it explicitly does not match to a unnamed

d4fa6c9b6e75 2018-07-06 01:17:23 Pavel Rojtberg

Samples: Python - update raw sample to 1.11 API

bd446dc3480f 2018-07-06 01:16:45 Pavel Rojtberg

Samples: Python - fix segfaults on shutdown

af3b94dcaccd 2018-07-05 03:45:14 rpgplayerrobin

Main: AxisAlignedBox - fix wrong index in getAllCorners (#802)

7b084c631f72 2018-07-05 03:17:06 Pavel Rojtberg

Tests: MaterialSerializer - set exportDefaults=true

so the importer gets more coverage

64dacb34d45d 2018-07-02 09:32:21 Pavel Rojtberg

ScriptTranslator: refactor gpu parameter translation

dc274f82532c 2018-07-02 01:25:10 Pavel Rojtberg

GpuProgramParams: warn if a matched shared param cannot be copied

17e6bca028f6 2018-07-01 21:24:16 Pavel Rojtberg

Samples: OffsetMappingShadows also works fine with legacy GL

78cb43c3a1d6 2018-07-01 05:47:01 Pavel Rojtberg

ScriptTranslator: error if custom property is unsupported by GpuProgram

also do not try setting properties on unsupported programs - they would
be forwarded to the wrong implementation.

fd58032e882a 2018-07-01 02:23:06 Pavel Rojtberg

SceneManager: also set uniform parameters in compute shaders

0ad028d36443 2018-07-01 01:51:47 Pavel Rojtberg

GL3Plus: do not swallow shared parameter binding errors

058140f69d9c 2018-06-30 22:40:38 Pavel Rojtberg

SceneManager: set the ambient (scene) colour in renderObjects

to allow changing between render passes

412d48fab10f 2018-06-30 21:46:23 Pavel Rojtberg

Pass: correctly initialise and copy lineWidth

d87634987dd9 2018-06-30 03:35:44 Pavel Rojtberg

CompositorChain: deprecate OgreIterator based API

07290a4e7057 2018-06-30 02:50:02 Pavel Rojtberg

CompositorChain: removeCompositor - fix using index == LAST

4d63a9494a3a 2018-06-30 01:18:00 Pavel Rojtberg

Samples: SSAO - no need to re-add compositor on uniform changes

marking the chain dirty is enough

23ea67b0da7e 2018-06-29 23:48:46 Pavel Rojtberg

ScriptTranslator: print the undefined reference on the respective error

de926286d981 2018-06-27 09:02:09 Pavel Rojtberg

GpuProgramParams - mark deriveVariability static

cebb625ea517 2018-04-18 03:50:35 Pavel Rojtberg

CI: update OSX image to xcode 9.4