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Name Rev. Time Author
v1-6-0RC1 82a219c68703 2008-08-28 19:10:56 Steve Streeting
v1-6-0 fd437752d2f0 2008-11-04 23:52:00 Steve Streeting
v1-6-1 4f5af67ecf94 2009-01-23 06:37:30 Steve Streeting
v1-6-2 236f571e6a06 2009-04-11 21:35:25 Steve Streeting
v1-6-3 b03c79440d98 2009-07-26 02:29:45 Steve Streeting
v1-6-4 b71cc9d1e5d5 2009-09-28 05:52:06 Steve Streeting
v1-6-5 765cad89d2da 2009-12-28 01:02:48 Steve Streeting
v1-7-0RC1 838cd136e9a8 2010-01-01 01:03:43 Steve Streeting
v1-7-0 8a0b0a2dd186 2010-03-01 05:57:00 Steve Streeting
v1-7-1 c974a42f23b7 2010-04-24 23:47:06 Steve Streeting
v1-7-2 3e9ed7c712e1 2010-11-04 03:20:24 Holger Frydrych
v1-7-3 548833a16388 2011-05-09 03:24:31 Holger Frydrych
v1-8-0RC1 123466e19055 2011-11-14 03:11:03 Holger Frydrych
v1-7-4 3467d92e149c 2012-01-15 02:28:46 Holger Frydrych
v1-8-0 41fc194167fa 2012-05-26 02:34:15 Holger Frydrych
v1-8-1 525a7f3bcd4e 2012-09-02 14:24:39 Holger Frydrych
v1-9-0RC1 cf6c42374443 2013-04-15 10:44:34 David Rogers
v1-9-0RC2 4c20a40dae61 2013-10-14 11:01:57 David Rogers
v1-9-0 dd30349ea667 2013-12-02 02:28:12 David Rogers
v2-0-0RC1 e411a480d3aa 2015-02-03 01:45:38 dark_sylinc <dark_
v1-10-3 b78fd36a29a1 2017-03-27 06:29:09 Pavel Rojtberg
v1-10-4 1fc934daba1e 2017-04-24 08:32:42 Pavel Rojtberg
v1-10-5 b42cf1abf815 2017-05-31 09:19:37 Pavel Rojtberg
v1-10-6 eb1a27961586 2017-06-28 08:58:31 Pavel Rojtberg
v1-10-7 2f73e05220d0 2017-07-28 21:52:02 Pavel Rojtberg
v1-10-8 f261de901e97 2017-08-28 06:13:08 Pavel Rojtberg
v1-10-9 e3f9185ed3d1 2017-10-29 04:07:00 SerVerXPlanet
v1-10-10 0d449a7c9602 2017-12-02 01:19:00 Pavel Rojtberg
v1-10-11 e73af6d1c819 2017-12-29 11:34:36 Pavel Rojtberg
tip 23d3765bf19b 2024-12-28 20:07:58 sebastian_bugiu