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Rev. Time Author
4160e0f320ae ProfilerFixes 2017-10-14 05:18:50 Matias N. Goldberg <dark_

Close ProfilerFixes branch

25904122dcbd ProfilerFixes 2017-10-10 21:35:15 al2950

Removed OgreProfiler.h from Ogre.h
This is due to the new remotery additions and 3rd party libs do not take this into account and so stop compiling.
Removing OgreProfiler.h from Ogre.h is much easier than fixing all old libs/plugins and nothing I am aware of expects OgreProfiler to be included in Ogre.h

db5cc67f46ee ProfilerFixes 2017-10-10 21:34:30 al2950

Fixed issues with profiler 'begin' calls missing corresponding profiler 'end' calls