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Rev. Time Author
6ff0e1c7082b android-ndk-r9-support 2013-12-31 08:30:33 Murat Sari

Close branch android-ndk-r9-support

665c334eb65d android-ndk-r9-support 2013-12-31 07:25:05 Ahmed Allam

Added support for ndk-r9b and ndk-r9c.
Bugfix: Detecting AndroidDependencies using direct paths.

46c4837fccfc android-ndk-r9-support 2013-12-29 16:08:57 Ahmed Allam

Fixed introduced bug which prevents locating dependencies even if directly specified.

099aaee6fd7a android-ndk-r9-support 2013-11-18 04:31:38 Ahmed Allam

Android NDK r9 support. x64 NDK support fix for MacOS X.