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Rev. Time Author
44f4b4e2d595 fbodetectfix 2015-02-26 10:51:13 Matías N. Goldberg <dark_

Close fbodetectfix branch

d9088f3cfe71 fbodetectfix 2015-02-19 00:56:37 Pavel Rojtberg

revert accidental change in OgreEntity

4d8485ce23ee fbodetectfix 2015-02-19 00:52:29 Pavel Rojtberg

detectFBOFormats: fix corner cases with internalQuery where
- either depth or stencil is NONE
- we have a packed depth/ stencil buffer

91ef555b01a6 fbodetectfix 2015-02-18 22:23:57 Pavel Rojtberg

sensibly name variables to ease debugging