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Rev. Time Author
f9e5b6448e3f fix_GL3+_glsl_programs 2015-11-18 11:59:36 Matias N. Goldberg <dark_

Close fix_GL3+_glsl_programs branch

4adf722cd4a5 fix_GL3+_glsl_programs 2015-09-26 00:24:37 <fbridault@irca...>

Fixed a bug where a GLSLSeparableProgram was never linked because all
individual programs were previously linked.

d65df37fa258 fix_GL3+_glsl_programs 2015-09-25 18:35:19 Flavien Bridault

Fixed hash computing in OgreGLSLSeparableProgramManager. It ignored the fragment shader if a geometry shader was set.