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Rev. Time Author
4f5c052ff7f6 fix_debug2 2017-01-09 07:39:01 Matias Goldberg <dark_

Close branch fix_debug2

6da2adfc503e fix_debug2 2017-01-05 23:17:30 Pavel Rojtberg

CMake: set CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE more robustly

0cd8b1a46611 fix_debug2 2016-12-26 22:02:25 Pavel Rojtberg

override OgreBuildSettings.h on windows

a587227f6fcc fix_debug2 2016-12-26 01:27:54 Pavel Rojtberg

OgreIdString: replace NDEBUG usage by OGRE_DEBUG_MODE

11d33717f154 fix_debug2 2016-12-26 01:16:27 Pavel Rojtberg

CMake: make OGRE_DEBUG_MODE as it changes the layout of some classes

this makes it possible to mix debug and non-debug ogre and client builds