Simple Project List Software Map

425 projects in result set
LastUpdate: 2001-06-06 18:43


SGMLtools-Lite is the successor of SGMLtools. It is a set of Python and DSSSL scripts which makes interaction with Jade in order to process (mostly DocBook) SGML files a breeze, and is easy to extend with custom processing instructions. Out of the box, SGMLtools-Lite knows how to convert DocBook to HTML (2 styles), JadeTeX, DVI, RTF, PS, PDF, plain text, and PalmOS iSilo format. It also comes with a conversion script to convert "old" LinuxDoc documents to DocBook.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2007-05-07 11:37

JavaDoc Taglets Collection

The Taglet Collection is set of general purpose
taglets for use with the JavaDoc tool. It provides
a standard set of new tags, and allows you to
create new ones by configuration or using simple
Java interfaces. It has been tested with J2SE 1.4
and 1.5 and JavaSE 1.6.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2008-06-02 23:44


Sydebar is a browser sidebar generator for Python
documentation pages. It can generate Python
documentation sidebars for all Python versions.
The documentation pages can be either local or on
a remote Web server.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2004-02-05 05:45


NoUnit measures Junit tests in a project using Java, XML,
and XSLT. It allows developers to understand what is
happening by providing a graphical view.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2009-10-13 21:15


HistView takes an ASCII changelog as input and
outputs a formatted HTML page, optionally
containing links to download releases. With the
included Download Class, you can create download
statistics (if you have a MySQL database), and
even exclude unwanted bots and crawlers from these
statistics or completely prevent them from
downloading your files.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2006-10-22 14:35


Pie is a lightweight content management system for
Web-sharing documents, files, and arbitrary pieces
of information. Making use of a Wiki's meta
language and page-linking abilities, it lets
authors create and maintain content via HTTP on a
corporate basis. It features an emphasis on fast
content delivery to its recipients rather than
sophisticated add-ons, therefore conveying
compiled output instead of performing time
consuming run-time processing.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2006-07-16 08:31

software requirements toolkit

Srtk is a coherent set of Unix-style tools for
requirements management. Each tool has exactly one

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2004-01-12 11:40


Naartex converts docbook files directly into LaTeX,
allowing the creation of high-quality PDF and Postscript
output without the complexity of XSL.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2005-08-11 19:39

HyperLinked Text

HyperLinked Text (Hylt) is both a file format and a viewer for that
format. It uses (almost) flat text files to generate a Wiki-style
database of hyperlinked pages, without either the complex markup of
HTML or the esoteric database formats in which most Wikis store data.
It is geared towards users who desire a minimal interface between
them and their data or like to store their data in formats which can
be meaningfully stored in version control systems. It was developed
originally to match both of those goals, specifically for individuals
writing fiction and wishing to track inter-character and inter-location

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2002-04-24 10:56


NoteTool helps you to write and organize your
notes with a fast and easy to use program.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2001-09-05 00:46

MakeMan Perl

MakeMan Perl is part of "MakeMan'', a project to
provide several frontends, GUI and non-GUI, to an
SGML interface to write man pages. It is written in
Perl, and parses an SGML input file, and generates
valid roff source that can be read by man.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2009-09-30 06:12


Pipadoc extracts extracts special comments out of source files or plaintext files and let one define rules how to bring them into proper order. This is somewhat similar to Literate Programming, but it puts the emphasis back to the code, since the source is not extracted from a given "literate text", but the documentation is extracted from the source and then the structure of the generated documentation is defined by the programmer. Pipadoc is programming language and documentation system agnostic, all it requires is that the programming language has some kind of line or block comments in one can place doc statements. It provides a plugin system where one can extend functionality. Some plugins for asciidoc, index generation, and verbatim code sections are provided.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2005-03-06 07:37


PurpleView is a paper review system that was designed to help
distributed project development. It serves as a collection of
materials relevant to a field of interest, and its review
capability allows users to distinguish good and relevant items
from bad and irrelevant items. Submission of papers in
different Categories and Platforms aids their systematization.
The sorting and searching features facilitate powerful and
expedient data examination. It incorporates discussion forums
for each item, notifications and message boards, and features
security logins and automated database backups that assure
the system's accountability and availability.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2002-01-03 14:17


DOC++ is a documentation system for C, C++, IDL, and Java. It generates both TeX output for high quality hardcopies and HTML output for sophisticated online browsing of your documentation. The documentation is extracted directly from the C/C++/IDL header/source files or Java class files.

LastUpdate: 2002-05-14 23:14


The Belgian-HOWTO describes how to tweak Linux for Belgian users and lists Linux user groups, businesses, and other resources in Belgium.

(Machine Translation)