Simple Project List Software Map

121 projects in result set
LastUpdate: 2009-09-02 18:25


NaturePHP is a classes wrapper using PHP's autoload to create a non-intrusive, simple, organized, and extensible library system. It is aimed at intermediate and advanced PHP developers, providing a lot of non-intrusive functionality for Web site and application development. Upcoming development will include internal library management and the ability to download/update libraries from the repository.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2011-07-18 20:41

Guitar Chord API class

Guitar Chord API class can be used to search for guitar chords using the Guitar Chord API. It can send an HTTP request to the Guitar chord API Web server to find chord variations based on given data about a chord by specifying the chord name, chord modification, and/or string/fret combination.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2009-08-05 08:40

Java Simple Plugin Framework

The Java Simple Plugin Framework is a framework for creating and using plugins for programs written in Java. It was built to reduce development time while increasing code maintainability of small to medium sized projects. It completely hides the implementation details of components, so you only use their interfaces. It is only 590k in size. Components may be loaded with only two lines of code. It makes heavy use of annotations. Through usage of generics, it is usually type safe. There are additional plugins to export other plugins by JavaScript, JSON, LipeRMI, XMLRPC, Delight XMLRPC, or ERMI. Plugins may be discovered on the local network through ZeroConf. There is initial support for RDF.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2012-12-11 13:47


python-megaplan is a Python module for interacting with, a popular Russian CRM solution. It supports both SAAS and custom setups.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2012-08-06 21:12


CI-Eye is a powerful continuous integration build radiator requiring no installation and almost no set-up. CI-Eye talks to many different CI servers through their REST APIs (so no plug-ins are required). Currently, support is offered for Hudson, Jenkins, and TeamCity. CI-Eye runs as a standalone Web application.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2010-04-11 06:29


The UniversalContainer class is an attempt to provide a class which can act in a manner similar to the untyped variables, arrays, and hash-maps found in popular scripting languages such as Perl and PHP. The result is a class that can hold a wide variety of data and meta-data in a very flexible structure. UniversalContainers can hold integers, doubles, booleans, single characters, strings, and wide character strings. UniversalContainers may also be used as associative maps between strings and other UniversalContainers, or as arrays of UniversalContainers. Routines for database access and REST programming are included, including a JSON serialization engine.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2010-07-10 20:40


VyperBlog is an all-in-one site template for the Google App Engine. It is meant for small businesses or enterprises that want to get into the Google cloud using a turn-key solution that provides security and safety for the data being stored in the back-end database. VyperBlog provides protection from hackers and crackers who might want to abuse forms and other resources being published by those who are using VyperBlog. VyperBlog employs a unique method for securing sites called Secure-Site.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2009-12-19 12:36


JOMS is a CMS that allows you to describe permissions, source for content, and layouts for your pages in a JSON file. You can also describe objects (field representation, field validation, field data, stateflow, permission, etc.) in a JSON file. JOMS mixes both JSON files, an HTML skin file, and provided data, and generates an HTML file. It provides a simple, flexible, useful instrument for developing a reusable and extensible site.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2010-03-01 09:42

Tiny Tiny IRC

Tiny Tiny IRC is an AJAX-powered, Web-based IRC client. It is based on the Yapircl library, is written in PHP, and uses PostgreSQL as a database backend.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2013-12-31 03:32

Hierarchical Cluster Engine

Hierarchical Cluster Engine is a a solution that can be used to construct custom network meshes or distributed network cluster structures with several types of relations between nodes. It supports handling of management requests from multiple source points, native reduction of results from multiple nodes (aggregation, duplicate elimination, sorting, etc.), a powerful full-text search engine and data storage, transaction-less and transactional request processing, and many language bindings for client-side integration.

(Machine Translation)
Natural Language: English
Operating System: Linux, Linux
Programming Language: C++, PHP
Topics:, JSON
LastUpdate: 2013-03-11 21:52

Gig Cable Label

Gig Cable Label generates label images with numbers in the Resistor code colors and letters in red with a white background, with a QR code to the right side of the label. The QR codes size is based on the string size of the text and ECC level (the better the error correction, the less text that can be encoded). All labels can be made with the select boxes provided for both Numeric and Alphanumeric codes. QR codes can be generated from phone numbers, URLs, email addresses, VCARDS, and custom text.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2010-03-12 23:19


minidom is a minimized, quick and dirty dom/path c++ library. It
supports XML, INI, JSON, NKV, HTTP header parsers, and dumpers. It has
optional support for ICONV.

(Machine Translation)
Operating System: OS Independent
Programming Language: C++, C++
LastUpdate: 2013-07-30 22:09


hulk is a usable in-browser HTML editor. Running $.hulk with some options will insert a pretty JSON editor into the div with the id "selector". You can then edit the document at your leisure, in text input boxes instead of as JSON. This makes it easy for programmers and non-technical people to collaborate on configuration. Hulk is also smart about detecting your input (if it's large, use a textarea, if it looks like a number, convert it to a number, etc.).

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2012-09-25 07:31


PIMF (Php Is My Framework) is a micro framework for PHP that emphasises minimalism and simplicity. It is based on proven design patterns and a fast object relational mapping mechanism, and is designed to be easily updated without having to rewrite your projects. It includes mechanisms for easily coupling controllers to ExtJs and Dojo.

LastUpdate: 2013-03-13 21:17


Excel2JSON exports an Excel workbook into JSON, useful for Web applications powered by Excel xlsx files.

(Machine Translation)