Simple Project List Software Map

104 projects in result set
LastUpdate: 2010-07-22 21:50


Image Restoration and Inpainting: MinGW/OpenGL/Visual c++/Java画像処理、拡張/修復/検出/画像の一部の復元(古いペイントクラック...) FastRestorarion、2D(非)分割線形ソルバー、非線形ソルバ: CG法、QuasiNewton

LastUpdate: 2012-04-18 07:15


ビットマップ図形の周りをラップする GIMP の python プラグイン。

(Machine Translation)
Development Status: 4 - Beta
Operating System: OS Independent
Programming Language: Python
User Interface: Plugins
LastUpdate: 2010-02-09 22:13


Qaquarelle は、オープン ソース Qt4 ベースのグラフィカルなエディター、その目標はエミュレートされた伝統的な楽器、GPU でタブレット入力と OpenGL ベースの処理の完全なサポートを含む絵画のネイティブな方法を提供します。

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2007-07-23 21:25


KolourPaint is a free, easy-to-use paint program for KDE. The official website is [].

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2019-04-15 03:10

LIBPNG: PNG reference library

PNG (Portable Network Graphics)グラフィックフォーマットをサポートするためのリファレンスライブラリです。

LastUpdate: 2021-08-29 09:09


!Netpbm2Gimp は自動的にプラグインの GIMP に Netpbm グラフィックス プログラムの未変更のソース コードをコンパイルします。結果は見えるし、手コーディングの GIMP のプラグインよりもはるかに少ない手間がかかりますが、他の GIMP プラグインのような機能します。

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2015-07-14 00:47


!DrawPile は、インターネットを介して同じ図面ボードを共有する複数の人々、スケッチ指向描画プログラムです。

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2008-10-02 01:28

Augustusburg - Gimp 2.4 RHEL/Centos 5

AktuelleであるGIMP - PaketeサムネイルEnterprise Linuxの。 ESのwerden Gimpは2.4回転数- PaketeサムネイルのRed Hat Enterprise Linuxの© 5 / Centos 5ファーティグzur sofortigenフェアヴェンドゥングgepackt。

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2006-01-12 20:35


Almara is a photo album that turns directories of
your photographs into albums and allows you to
quickly and effectively make simple modifications
to your images while preserving the originals. It
can also export albums to the Web and do very
primitive Motion JPEG editing.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2007-04-05 08:50

Seashore Image Editor

Seashore is an image editor for Cocoa that
features gradients, textures, and anti-aliasing
for both text and brush strokes. It supports
multiple layers and alpha channel editing. It is
based around the GIMP's technology and uses the
same native file format.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2008-05-25 05:18


Phatch is an easy-to-use GUI photo batch processor which handles all popular image formats and can handle (sub)folder hierarchies. It provides many features, such as resize, rotate, rename, shadows, watermarks, rounded corners, masks, perspective, and more.

LastUpdate: 2008-10-20 12:06


DrawPile is a drawing program that allows multiple
people to draw on the same picture at the same
time. DrawPile offers simple drawing tools geared
towards sketching and has support for tablet
pressure sensitivity.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2008-04-12 01:05

Image matting tool

Image matting tool cuts out objects in photos
using an alpha-matting technique. While clear cuts
can be found for all objects that are clearly
separated from their environment, objects with
fuzzy borders and semi-transparent areas don't
have a clear outline. The tool creates an alpha
channel that defines the degree to which the
background shines through the foreground for every
pixel. The background color can then be
subtracted. The user defines a rough boundary of
an object with a large brush and a high-quality
segmentation is generated. Problematic areas can
be edited manually.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2003-05-29 06:30


libmplot is a library for drawing graphics primitives such as lines and text into a bitmap.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2010-01-17 07:33


joinpic merges split images together. They can be attached horizontally or vertically.

(Machine Translation)