Simple Project List Software Map

456 projects in result set
LastUpdate: 2001-05-08 18:19

Selected Backup

Selected Backup uses include and exclude files to provide an efficient method of backing up a list of files and directories. It uses tar and gzip, and has an option to email the attached file to an admin user. It is written in Perl, and has a number of options, including the ability to clean up files older than a certain age.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2002-08-31 00:52


mp3cd-tools packs directories of MP3 files in a
space-efficient way, so that they can be burnt
to CD-Rs for playing on an MP3 CD player. It
takes a list of directories containing MP3 files,
arranged in order of favoritism, and puts as
much music as possible onto each disc. It is
not necessary to burn all of the planned CDs
at the same time.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2003-07-02 07:16


LinRAR is a Qt frontend for the command line rar
program from RARLAB. It is inteded to be similar
to WinRAR in appearance and functionality.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2013-02-11 02:34


SNeBU (Simple Network Backup Utility) is a backup system that supports incremental snapshot-style backups to disk-based storage. The project has been rewritten in C, and stores its backup catalog in an SQLite database. It features file level deduplication (including across multiple clients), compressed storage, incremental-forever snapshot style backups, simple setup, and utilizes standard TAR format. The client side consists of a simple shell script, which can be easily installed and adapted as needed. The server side is a single binary plus a config file, which can sit on a remote server and be accessed over SSH.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2012-12-04 22:31


AT4J is a set of tools for working with data
compression and file archives from Java. It
supports reading and creating zip and tar files,
as well as several types of compression algorithms
via third party libraries.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2003-01-26 22:51


Bastrama is a command line tool to manage backup
files that are stored on hard drives. It
implements an infinite grandfather-father-son
strategy by deleting a defined subset of all
backup files, saving space while the files remains
accessible in multiple versions (aka "virtual tape

(Machine Translation)
Operating System: OS Independent
Programming Language: Perl
LastUpdate: 2011-06-26 06:51


Pstdelta can be used to store the differences
between an old and new version of an Outlook .pst
file. It can then generate the new file using just
the old file and the output generated by pstdelta.
It was created in order to vastly reduce the size
of differential backups of .pst files.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2006-08-23 02:31


BackPack is a little script that performs a
selective backup of selected directories and
Debian package configurations, regularly adding
support for more backup options such as MySQL, GPG
encryption, etc.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2010-01-17 07:35


par2ls lists the packets in par2 files, with varying
amounts of detail depending how verbose it is told to
be. It also checks the packet MD5 checksum and warns
of errors.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2012-12-03 02:38


RevoBackup is an rsync-based backup script, similar to Dirvish and Rsnapshot but written from scratch to allow a clean codebase and maintainable code. It aims for good reporting and logging capabilities.

(Machine Translation)
Operating System: Linux
Programming Language: Perl, Perl
Topics:, Backup
LastUpdate: 2005-01-23 12:17

PHProjekt Backup Addon

PHProjekt Backup Addon is an addon for PHProjekt
to backup the MySQL database of PHProjekt,
including the upload directory. It also contains a
backup management feature to restore, view,
download, and do other things with backups. It's
available in different languages.

(Machine Translation)
Operating System: OS Independent
Programming Language: PHP
LastUpdate: 2010-08-13 06:07


DiscSpan is a tool that will take that a large directory full of files and automatically burn a series of DVDs to near capacity, without the need or hassle of creating individual ISOs or moving files around. It is geared more towards smaller files such as music and photos, as it cannot span a file across multiple discs. It prompts for the directory you'd like to back up, the device to use to burn, and the speed at which to burn. It analyzes the files and calculates how many DVDs are needed, while making sure no files are greater than the size of a DVD.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2005-11-03 11:00


ABacoD is an automatic backup script. It transfers
files and directories, renaming them with
configurable logic.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2004-12-29 03:52 mimics rsync. It can copy selective parts of a folder
to a destination folder and can remove parts of the destination
folder that do not correspond to parts of the original folder.

(Machine Translation)
Operating System: Windows, OS Independent
Programming Language: Python, Python
LastUpdate: 2006-04-19 05:02

Lazy Backup

Lazybackup is a backup system that is intended to
be so easy to use that even lazy people will do
it. It archives, burns, verifies, and spans disks.
Archives are in the 'dar' format and are burned to

(Machine Translation)