Simple Project List Software Map

151 projects in result set
LastUpdate: 2021-05-22 23:25

MinGW-w64 - for 32 and 64 bit Windows

mingw-w64プロジェクトは、 ネイティブなWindows 64ビットおよび32ビットのオペレーティングシステムのバイナリをサポートするためのgccの完全なランタイム環境です。

LastUpdate: 2011-01-10 23:46


SunのphoneMEFeatureプロジェクト( ) のPSPへの移植版です。PSP上でMIDP/JavaMEアプリケーションを動作可能にします。phoneMEAdvancedのPSPへの移植プロジェクトは、pspME( )にあります。

Development Status: 2 - Pre-Alpha
Operating System: Other
Programming Language: C, C++, Java
LastUpdate: 2014-03-08 03:43


Gygaxは、画像、動画やライブストリームを処理するためのカスタマイズされたツールを開発する環境をユーザーに提供する C# アプリケーションです。さまざまな種類のファイルを開くことをサポートしています。

  • 概要

現在のバージョンは、Windows 8 環境と MS Visual Studio 2013 上で実行するように設計されています。Emgu CV との互換性上の理由からグラフィカルな API として Windows フォームを使用します。すべての必須ライブラリをダウンロードするパッケージに含まれます。

  • 次のリリースが含まれます:
    • 3D ポイント クラウドデータと IFC ファイルの可視化と編集を許可する DirectX ビューアー
    • バッファーの可用性に応じてフレームの処理速度の調整 (次のフレームを連続送信またはスキップまでバッファーを空に)
    • エラー処理とヘルプ マニュアル
    • ビデオ再生のためのスクロール バー
    • 条件に基づいてフレームの選択導入 (ぼかしメトリック、等)
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable
Operating System: Other, Windows 7
Programming Language: C#
User Interface: .NET/Mono



Development Status: 2 - Pre-Alpha
Target Users: End Users/Desktop
Natural Language: English, Japanese
Operating System: Other, Windows
Programming Language: C++
Register Date: 2007-05-26 21:49
LastUpdate: 2014-02-06 05:11


100%IATA互換、100% Free Software(GPL)、100% Pure Javaの航空券プロレーションシステム開発を目的とします。
Our goal is to develop 100% IATA compatible, 100% Free
Software(GPL), 100% Pure Java compatible Airline Passenger Coupon
Proration System.

LastUpdate: 2011-09-08 16:19


opfcはLinuxなどのOSS環境における次世代の印刷環境の実装を進めています。現在はLinux Foundation OpenPrinting WGで検討されているベクタープリンタドライバと双方向インタフェースの仕様の実現性の実証のために、コアモジュールの開発と各社プリンタ用のドライバモジュー


An opensource OpenWrt variant for mainland China users.

Please move to

OSDN source is no longer maintained.

Development Status: 3 - Alpha, 4 - Beta, 5 - Production/Stable
Natural Language: Chinese (Simplified), English
Operating System: Other
Programming Language: C
Topics: Routing, Wireless
User Interface: Command-line, Web Environment
Register Date: 2021-11-27 23:40



Development Status: 7 - Inactive
Natural Language: English, Japanese
Operating System: Linux, Other
Programming Language: C, C++, D
Topics: User Interfaces
User Interface: Curses/Ncurses
Register Date: 2009-06-16 14:40
LastUpdate: 2008-01-14 13:54




Development Status: 2 - Pre-Alpha
Natural Language: Japanese
Operating System: Linux, Other, Windows
Programming Language: Python
Topics: Text Editors
Register Date: 2007-05-22 11:36


Rope(Ruby Object Publishing Environment)はRubyを用いたWebアプリケーションのフレームワークです。

Development Status: 2 - Pre-Alpha
Target Users: Developers
Natural Language: Japanese
Operating System: Linux, Other
Programming Language: Ruby
Register Date: 2002-04-04 23:42
LastUpdate: 2003-10-14 16:22


html2hdml - imode HTML converter to HDML

Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable
Target Users: Developers, End Users/Desktop
Natural Language: English, Japanese
Operating System: Linux, Other, Windows
Programming Language: C
Register Date: 2003-02-19 17:58

Joborun Linux

Arch-Linux inspired, not based, not a fork in the true sense but really a fork. Generally source based and conceived, but without a finite commitment. The source and git/archiving technique will always accommodate the quick and effortless way to build from source.

All core base system packages rebuilt without systemd, udev, logind, and resistance to using zstd, but having the ability to use it selectively or by the package manager to decompress zstd compressed packages. Also optionally turn off all ipv6 functionality, since it only serves the "internet's" problems and not our own, yet!

For everything that Obarun provides, packages with direct systemd running dependencies, its init and service supervision software, joborun acts as complimentary. In rare cases where we disagree with the way Obarun has built a package we will rebuild our own. Pacman and its configuration keeps the system in order, drawing the most essential base system from joborun, the rest from obarun, and whatever else may be needed either from arch or by selecting to build from source in a quick automated way.

In addition, we have repackaged Obarun's 66 to cohabitate with runit, we will provide an initial setup for both and only runit on the base iso. We will support no particular DE or DM, we consider them useless and only of aesthetic value to users in need of an ms-windows/apple kind of graphic computing environment. We are oriented to unix like sysadmins, not those who seek ms-win alternatives for free (as in beer) but those who seek freedom from mega-corporation control and influences.

The resulting system can easily be converted to "just Obarun" at any point, or anything else without a need for re-installation. Obarun already provides a tool to make sure your installation is purely obarun, which means it will replace all joborun packages with Arch.

The name: JWM OpenBox Obrarun RUNit therefore has the above meaning. The logo reveals an A for Arch fading and an O for Obarun becoming more complete.

For more information see our website at

Development Status: 2 - Pre-Alpha, 3 - Alpha, 4 - Beta
License: ISC License
Natural Language: English
Operating System: Linux, Other, Other Operating Systems
Topics: Linux, Live CD
Register Date: 2022-02-02 23:52



Development Status: 2 - Pre-Alpha
Target Users: Developers
Natural Language: Japanese
Operating System: FreeBSD, Linux, Other
Programming Language: C
Topics: Ham Radio
User Interface: Curses/Ncurses
Register Date: 2008-07-22 14:38
LastUpdate: 2005-02-27 03:53


Lpy is a printing tool with GUI interface written in python.
Lpy is a new style printing tool which doesn't use a filter of a printing spooler.
Lpy is a application software in user space.

Development Status: 3 - Alpha
Natural Language: English, Japanese
Operating System: Linux, Other, SunOS/Solaris
Programming Language: Python
Topics: Printing
User Interface: Gnome, Console (Text Based)
Register Date: 2004-07-26 18:37

latest - a journaling text filter

latest is a JOURNALING text filter; yet another generic pager for Unix system smart administration.


  1. survey state of regular files
  2. collect lines and extract its with filename
  3. list updated files
  4. redirect to programs (syslog and so on)

Main running environment: Solaris

Development Status: 1 - Planning
Natural Language: English, Japanese
Operating System: Other, SunOS/Solaris
Programming Language: C
User Interface: Command-line
Register Date: 2010-06-06 21:14