Simple Project List Software Map

839 projects in result set
LastUpdate: 2009-07-08 06:23

Aluminium Language

Aluminium was started as an effort to find a different way of creating Web applications. It turned out as a visual data-flow based programming language.

LastUpdate: 2007-07-15 06:06

PHP Web Application Framework

phpWebApp is an application framework which makes it easy and simple to build PHP Web applications based on relational databases. It separates the task of designing and changing the layout of the application from the task of implementing the logic of the application, by using XML templates that are an extension of XHTML. It also simplifies the task of implementing the logic of the application by offering an event based programming model. In addition, phpWebApp tries to offer modularity and code reusability to the community of Webapp developers.

LastUpdate: 2013-03-08 00:26


Styx is a scanner/parser generator designed to address some shortcomings of the traditional lex/yacc combination. It has unique features like automatic derivation of depth grammar, production of the derivation tree, including it's C interface, preservation of full source information, pretty printing to faciliate source-source translation, and persistence to aid rapid interpreter writing. It also supports reentrancy. Styx works well under several different OSes, including serveral Unixes, DOS, and Windows.

LastUpdate: 2001-01-30 06:12

Automated support for compound RPC calls

NFSv4 specifies that the RPC calls be batched into a "compound" call. There is no support for this in RPCGEN. By rearranging the ONC IDL for NFSv4 into AutoGen definitions, these templates will emit the original IDL *plus* all the code to package, send, distribute, collect, return, and dispatch the results. The distributed program author merely needs to call and supply server procedures for the routines specified in the IDL. Templates for these calls and service routines is provided, too. The NFSv4 definitions are included.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2004-09-28 14:54


txt2regex$ is a Regular Expression "wizard", written with bash2 builtins, that converts human sentences to regular expressions. With a simple interface, you just answer questions and build your own regexp for a large variety of programs, such as awk, ed, emacs, grep, Perl, PHP, procmail, Python, sed, and vim (there are more than 20 supported programs). As it is written in bash, no compilation is required.

LastUpdate: 2010-09-06 21:12

GNU Gengen

Gengen (GENerator GENerator) is a tool that, starting from a parameterized text (template), generates a text generator that can substitute parameters with values. At the moment, Gengen can generate C++ and C code.

LastUpdate: 2007-08-05 04:30


Guikachu is a GNOME application for graphical editing of resource files for PalmOS-based pocket computers.

LastUpdate: 2011-07-21 21:07

Faust AUdio STreams

Faust AUdio STreams is an expressive functional programming language for realtime audio signal processing. The Faust compiler translates DSP specifications into efficient C++ code. A variety of platforms and plugin formats are supported. A single Faust specification can be used to easily generate JACK and ALSA applications, as well as LADSPA, MAX/MSP, PD, Q, SC, and VST plugins. In addition to C++ code, the Faust compiler can also generate SVG block-diagram representations as well as XML descriptions.

LastUpdate: 2001-06-14 00:35


DbDesigner is a useful tool for constructing databases in an intuitive and easy-to-use environment, where you have a visual representation of the tables and relations contained in your project. You can quickly see the fields in a table or how each table relates to the others. After you are finished, it can export the schema of the database into an .sql script, or directly connect to a database backend and build it there. It can also import already existing databases from .sql scripts or db backends. It can save your project into its native format (XML) so all information is kept, and it has a plugin architecture to be easily extensible to work with many database servers (it comes with 2 plugins for PostgreSQL and MySQL).

LastUpdate: 2001-01-30 06:13


The Lemon program is an LALR(1) parser generator. It takes a context free grammar and converts it into a subroutine that will parse a file using that grammar. Lemon is similar to the much more famous programs "YACC" and "BISON". But lemon is not compatible with either yacc or bison. There are several important differences: Lemon uses a different grammar syntax which is less prone to programming errors. The parser generated by Lemon is both re-entrant and thread-safe. Lemon includes the concept of a non-terminal destructor, which makes it much easier to write a parser that does not leak memory.

LastUpdate: 2002-08-21 05:27

PHP Code Builder

PHP Code Builder generates PHP code automatically, letting developers
skip some steps while developing database-oriented applications. It
uses PHP to ask for table and field types, then creates the necessary
HTML/PHP files to manage the specified table.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2007-12-31 10:30


ORBit2 is a major revision to the ORBit code base, adding the foundations of threading support, a massively shrunk and genericised code base, and lots more power, completeness, and correctness.

LastUpdate: 2008-04-30 23:19


sml/nj (Standard ML of New Jersey) consists of a compiler, compilation manager, and libraries for Standard ML. Included are CML (Concurrent ML) and eXene (a toolkit for X based on CML). The compiler produces efficient code for most popular architectures (Intel x86, Sparc, Alpha, Mips, HP-PA, PowerPC) and runs under Unix, Linux, or Windows (95,98,NT).

LastUpdate: 2003-09-26 09:40


Jamon is a text template engine for Java that
is useful for generating dynamic HTML, XML, or
any text-based content. It has a rich feature
set that supports encapsulation,
parameterization, functional decomposition,
and reuse of presentation logic.

Because it is compiled to non-reflective Java code, and statically type-checked, Jamon is ideally suited to supporting refactoring of template-based UI applications.

Templates declare the arguments they require for
rendering, including dynamic template content
("fragments"), and are translated into Java
classes with public methods whose signatures
reflect the arguments declared in the
templates. This provides compile-time type-
checking as well as excellent performance.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2009-06-24 17:53

Yana 4 PHP Framework

The Yana Framework is a platform for developing PHP applications. It can be expanded with your own plugins (components). It includes skin and template support, multiple languages (German and English by default), mature
administration functionality, multiple installation profiles, user login and administration, a database API based on PEAR-DB
that also offers database schema support, and a GUI/code generator for your own plugins. It also includes an easy to use query tool that automatically maps database commands to a flat file if no database support is available. Plugins
provided with this software are a guestbook, an RSS to HTML converter, and a search engine. Complete documentation is included.

(Machine Translation)