RSS Reader MIDlet is an RSS feed reader for handhelds that can run Java MIDlets (J2ME). It uses RMS (persistent storage) for offline reading. It is MIDP 1.0 CLDC 1.0 compliant, and requires about 256 kb of memory to work well.
Related ProjectsDumpper v.60.3, GLOBALBASE PROJECT, Win32 Disk Imager, MeCab, TOMBO |
Zgal generates a static HTML photo album with thumbnails. The Web
gallery supports rendered themes, transparent rollover buttons,
captions, background images, and advertisment blockers for Lycos,
Geocities, Tripod, etc.
Related ProjectsMeCab, Separate+, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Dumpper v.60.3, TOMBO |
Large Database Backup is a class to back up large
MySQL databases into multiple files. It can list
the tables of a given MySQL database, and generate
SQL statements to create and insert records with
the current values of the table rows, as if it
were creating a new database. The class stores the
generated SQL statements in files. A full backup
process can be split into multiple iterations so
as to not exceed the PHP default script execution
time limit. Each iteration dumps a limited number
of table rows. An iteration can be executed by a
script that redirects the page request to itself
at the end to proceed to the next iteration.
Related ProjectsBlueGriffon Japanese Language Pack, DeSmuME, UltraMonkey-L7, SmillaEnlarger, TuxGuitar |
XPcm is a flexible PHP based content management framework which allows you to easily create and manage your websites. XML and XSLT are used for dynamic page creation and search-engine friendly content rendering. It features Workflows, task management, a WYSIWYG editor, user and group/role management with permission-inheritance, a media-database, module and plug-in support, flexible caching, and a fully browser-based back office.
Related ProjectsGLOBALBASE PROJECT, XOOPS, SmillaEnlarger, TuxGuitar, iReport-Designer for JasperReports |
BrightMaRe is a tool that translates LaTeX equations to ASCII/UTF-8 text.
Related Projectsnkf Network Kanji Filter, Darik's Boot and Nuke, TOMBO, SmillaEnlarger, DeSmuME |
RunDeck is a command automation hub that helps you automate ad-hoc and routine procedures in data center or cloud environments. It allows you to run tasks on any number of nodes from a Web-based or command-line interface. It also includes other features that make it easy to scale up your scripting efforts, including access control, workflow building, scheduling, logging, and integration with external sources for node and context data.
Related ProjectsDarik's Boot and Nuke, coroid project, mod_chxj, DeSmuME, TuxGuitar |
rest2web is a tool for automatically maintaining
Web sites or parts of Web sites. It integrates
with docutils so that contents can be kept in
reStructured Text or HTML. It has a powerful
templating and macro system and can automatically
generate index pages and navigation trails (like
sidebars and breadcrumbs). It generates static
HTML and can generate relative links, which means
that sites can be viewed from the filesystem. A
"uservalues" system assists with creating sites in
multiple languages.
Related ProjectsMPC-BE, osCommerce 日本語版, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, MeCab, WordPress Plugins/JSeries |
bBlog is a weblogging application written in PHP. It has been programmed to be fast, secure, object-oriented, well-commented, Smarty-centric, and easily extendable.
Related Projectsnkf Network Kanji Filter, TOMBO, MeCab, XOOPS, MPC-BE |
Nibble forms is a stand-alone PHP class collection that allows developers to begin easily developing HTML forms with PHP validation. The forms that can be developed are very customizable, but they can also be set up simply and quickly with minimal arguments.
Related ProjectsSmillaEnlarger, Programming Language ADP, BlueGriffon Japanese Language Pack, DeSmuME, YANMAH2 - 携帯端末のための代替 |
freeDatamap is a business intelligence tool that transforms raw data into meaningful information by providing a unique way to browse any kind of data. It is a Web application that provides the possibility to navigate into structured and unstructured data. With its unique algorithm, freeDatamap is able to create a tree structure from flat data. It takes a CSV file as input and produces a tree with raw or computed attributes for each node.
Related ProjectsTuxGuitar, SmillaEnlarger, GLOBALBASE PROJECT, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, Samurai Graph |
myXML is a PHP implementation of the W3C's DOM,
XPath, and XSLT recommendations that does not
require additional libraries. It allows you to take
advantage of XML/XSLT technologies even if your
provider does not support it. The DOM API features
standard names for methods and properties and
should be compatible with future releases of PHP. The
library allows the execution of PHP code on the fly,
and inserts result into a DOM tree or attribute value.
Related ProjectsWin32 Disk Imager, MPC-BE, SharpDevelop-jp, MeCab, Dumpper v.60.3 |
UnQLite is a in-process software library which implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional NoSQL database engine.It is a document store database similar to MongoDB, Redis, CouchDB, etc. as well a standard key/value store similar to BerkeleyDB, LevelDB, etc. It reads and writes directly to ordinary disk files. A complete database with multiple collections is contained in a single disk file. The database file format is cross-platform, and you can freely copy a database between 32-bit and 64-bit systems or between big-endian and little-endian architectures.
Related ProjectsMalonNote, Ludia, CosmoDB, SmillaEnlarger, DeSmuME |
CBR Server is a light-weight HTTP server allowing you to view Comic Book Archives: CBR, CBZ, PDF, etc. It has purposely been designed to be used with a wireless tablet PC and is highly configurable. XML file-based configuration capabilities. A multi-threaded HTTP server based on JDoc Web Server. Multi-threaded CBR/CBZ/RAR/ZIP extraction. Support for a user-selected splash screen. Customizable HTML/CSS pages. Text-based search capabilities. Displays CBR, CBZ, RAR, ZIp, and PDF-based documents. FMEO (For my eyes only) support. A thumbnail rendition of the cover pages of the query results. A thumbnail rendition of the entire comic book. Zoom in, zoom out, and full size support. 270 degree rotation (a.k.a. iPad emulation). A remember me function (cookie-based). A file explorer interface that enables you to navigate through the directories comprising Comic Books. Multi-language support (i18n). End-users language extension support. Enhanced out of the box HTML forms. Uses ImageMagick and 7-Zip. Icons from Enhanced navigation capabilities.
Related ProjectsDumpper v.60.3, AuctionSupportデザイン&テンプ, Saccubus, コミュニティモジュール, Win32 Disk Imager |
Pynorama is an image viewer which is tailored for viewing comics. It lacks any image editing capabilities.
Related ProjectsSmillaEnlarger, NyARToolKit, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, ma38su, DeSmuME |
AlcoveBook DTD and stylesheets is a strict subset
of the DocBook DTD. The ultimate goal is to provide
a series of DTDs for enterprise use, commercial
proposal, whitepaper, etc. For now, this is one
single SGML DTD. The stylesheets are usable with
both DocBook and AlcoveBook. They include a set
of extensions over Norman Walsh's modular
docbook stylesheets (docbook-dsssl), and a book-
like layout for articles.
Related ProjectsSmillaEnlarger, Anthy, DeSmuME, TOMBO, SCIM IMEngine |