Simple Project List Software Map

2277 projects in result set
LastUpdate: 2014-06-02 08:29


metaf2xml can download, parse, and decode aviation routine weather reports (METAR, SPECI, SAO), aerodrome forecasts (TAF), synoptic observations (SYNOP), and BUOY observations, and store the data as XML. XSLT style sheets convert it to plain language, as HTML or text. Current weather data from NOAA and other sources can be fetched and displayed.

LastUpdate: 2014-02-16 22:15


tvpvrd is a PVR daemon for Linux that offers the ability to schedule and manage TV recordings using one or multiple installed analogue TV capture cards, e.g. Hauppauge. The daemon is interfaced either through its full command language via a provided command line shell or through a basic (built-in) Web interface provided by the built in micro Web server. The goal is to provide an advanced recording and transcoding (using ffmpeg) server without the need to configure databases or a complex GUI. The server is completely self-contained and uses an XML DB in plain text format to store future recordings.

LastUpdate: 2014-05-21 03:15

Ldap Synchronization Connector

Ldap Synchronization Connector reads from any data source including databases, LDAP directories, or files and transforms and compares this data to an LDAP directory. These connectors can then be used to continuously synchronize a data source to a directory, for a one shot import, or to compare differences by outputting CSV or LDIF format reports. It offers a powerful transformation engine based on a scripting language to easily manipulate data on the fly. Various identity management functions are included for directory-specific compatibility - most notably Active Directory (changing passwords, account status, last logon, etc.).

LastUpdate: 2013-04-07 14:19


Kile is a user-friendly TeX/LaTeX editor for the KDE desktop environment. It lets you compile, convert, and view your document with one click and features auto-completion of (La)TeX commands, templates and wizards for starting a new document, easy insertion of many standard tags and symbols and the option to add user defined tags, inverse and forward search, collection of documents that belong together into a project, easy insertion of citations and references, a flexible build system, QuickPreview of selected parts of a document, easy access to various help sources, and advanced editing commands.

LastUpdate: 2014-05-07 22:12


Gitblit is a pure Java stack for managing, viewing, and serving Git repositories. It's designed primarily as a tool for small workgroups which want to host centralized repositories.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2014-06-09 21:06


F*EX (Frams' Fast File EXchange) is a Web based service for sending very big files from one person to another. The sender uploads the file to the F*EX server and the recipient automatically gets a notification email with a download URL. Files are automatically deleted after download or an expiration date. The recipient and sender only need an email program and a Web browser. Sending to multiple recipients needs storage on the server only once. In contrast with other file transfer services, it has no file size limits at all and comes with shell tools for scripting up/downloading.

LastUpdate: 2013-07-18 02:39


XMLStarlet is a set of command line XML utilities which can be used to transform, query, validate, and edit XML documents and files using a simple set of shell commands, similar to the way it is done for plain text files using grep/sed/awk/tr/diff/patch.

LastUpdate: 2012-10-25 21:33

Mono Project

Mono Project is an Open Source implementation of the various ECMA and .NET framework technologies for Unix, Mac OS X, and Windows. The project includes a compiler, a class library, and a CLI runtime engine.

LastUpdate: 2010-07-21 21:50

Apache FOP

Apache FOP is an XSL-FO formatter. It is used in
conjunction with an XSLT transformation engine to
format XML documents into PDF, PostScript, and
other output formats.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2021-09-20 22:01

Talend Open Studio for Data Integration


LastUpdate: 2014-05-07 22:27


Coquelicot is a “one-click” file sharing Web application with a focus on protecting users’ privacy. Its basic principle is that users can upload a file to the server, and in return they get a unique URL which can be shared with others in order to download the file. Coquelicot aims to protect, to some extent, users and system administrators from disclosure of the files exchanged from passive and not-so-active attackers.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2010-04-14 15:40


The Vexi Platform is used for creating and deploying rich user interfaces for Internet/intranet applications that look and feel like native applications. Vexi uses a combination of a subset of XML and Javascript to provide a simple API for the development of interactive visual components. Vexi provides an intuitive, themable widget set, created using this API. Vexi interfaces then communicate with server applications through XML-RPC or SOAP.

LastUpdate: 2013-11-02 05:32


Bluelog is a Bluetooth site survey tool, designed to tell you how many discoverable devices there are in an area as quickly as possible. Bluelog differs from most Bluetooth scanners in that it prioritizes speed of reporting over anything else (i.e. it doesn't spend time trying to pull detailed data from a device) and doesn't require any user intervention to function. As the name implies, its primary function is to log discovered devices to file rather than to be used interactively. Bluelog could run on a system unattended for long periods of time to collect data. In addition to basic scanning, Bluelog also has a unique feature called "Bluelog Live", which puts results in a constantly updating Web page which you can serve with your HTTP daemon of choice.

Operating System: Linux
Programming Language: C
LastUpdate: 2008-01-16 14:23


KGuitar is powerful KDE-based music tablature editor with support for guitar, drums, classic note scores, MIDI synthesizer output, chords, scales, modes, melody and rhythm construction and analysis tools, and many tab effects. It can import Guitar Pro 4 files.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2006-08-28 10:44

SOPE Application Server

The SOPE package is an extensive set of frameworks (16 frameworks, ~1500 classes) which form a complete Web application server environment. Besides the Apple WebObjects compatible appserver extended with Zope concepts, it contains a large set of reusable classes: XML processing (SAX, DOM, XML-RPC), MIME/IMAP4 processing, LDAP connectivity, RDBMS connectivity, and iCalendar parsing. The parts of the package can be used stand-alone (e.g. in Cocoa applications) and do not require the appserver parts. For MacOSX developers, the package includes SOPE:X, which contains special Xcode and Cocoa support for SOPE.

(Machine Translation)