Simple Project List Software Map

49 projects in result set
LastUpdate: 2014-10-02 13:08


Postgresの- XCは、次の機能で書き込みスケーラブルな同期マルチマスターPostgreSQLのクラスタです。 1)参照と更新の両方に拡張性がある。 2)複数のサーバーで構成。 3)完全なグローバルトランザクションと可視性を管理。

LastUpdate: 2007-09-30 04:54

PL/I front-end for GCC


LastUpdate: 2009-04-19 21:27


xacc.ideは、主に .NETでの開発を目指したオープンソースの IDEです。100% C#で書かれたコードエディタをもち、それはほとんどの商用製品よりも高速です。

LastUpdate: 2006-12-16 20:56


!WebCleaner は、フィルタ リングの HTTP プロキシです。広告を削除します文書を圧縮する、Gif deanimates !SquidGuard フィルター一覧、および詳細を使用することができます。Web インタ フェースを構成するは簡単です。

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2021-12-31 12:44


MUIbase (マジック データ ユーザー インターフェイスを備えたベース) は、Windows、Mac、Linux および Amiga のためのユーザー インターフェイスとプログラミング可能なリレーショナル データベースです。

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2003-05-30 15:42

Signal Applications To Audio Networks

Signal Applications To Audio Networks is a program
aimed at different signal processing tasks. The
primary type of signals are audio signals. The
user describes networks of different modules using
a special language, and the modules are
dynamically loaded libraries. The system can be
used to create music from scratch, or to process
already created audio files, and depending on the
complexity of the network versus the capacity of
the host machine, everything can be done in "real

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2005-03-02 16:35

Xross Tab Compiler

xtcc is a set of tools being developed for market research data processing. It is comprised of the following components: xtcc compiler, a data processing backend, qscript, a questionnaire scripting language, a data conversion program for converting data from the qscript format to data processing backend format, and dpassist, a tool to aid in the writing of tabulation and edit specs. The input for this program will be the questionnaire script or map file for the data.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2007-04-02 09:52


yagg, given YACC-like and LEX-like input files,
generates a C++ program that generates all strings
of a user-specified length. This program can then
be used to generate inputs for testing, or to
validate that a grammar accepts the strings that
you think it does. The grammar file provides the
grammar productions for string generation, along
with optional action blocks that can perform
context-sensitive checks in order to limit the
generated strings. The LEX-like terminal generator
file provides specifications that instruct the
program how to generate strings for terminals in
the grammar.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2013-07-21 23:58

Boomerang decompiler

Boomerang decompilerは、プログラムがバイナリ形式で世に出された後、ソースコードへと戻してしまうことができます。このBoomerangリバースエンジニアリングフレームワークは、パブリックにされた最初の一般的なネイティブ実行可能なデコンパイラーです。

LastUpdate: 2005-01-30 13:04

Gnome Turtle

A turtle and lsys drawing program for GNOME. It can generate fractals from an L-System definition.

LastUpdate: 2006-10-04 01:53


rpal is an interpreter for RPAL (Right-reference
Pedagogic Algorithmic Language), a simple
functional programming language that is a subset
of PAL, a language invented at MIT by Wozencraft
and Evans in the early 1970s.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2010-07-08 13:19


The FSMGen program is a compiler that assembles a state machine definition into executable code in C. The output is designed to be generic and is not bound to any particular input. The tarball contains source code and a Makefile for building it on Linux systems.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2004-12-11 23:52

SJPT: Simple Java Parsing Toolkit

A parsing toolkit that supports both top-down (LL(1) and Simple Precedence) and bottom-up parsing (LR(0), SLR(1), LR(1) and LALR(1)). The toolkit also supports generating Java parsers for all the bottom-up parsing methods, based on a CUP definition (similar to Yacc and CUP, but not restricted to LALR parsers only).

LastUpdate: 2009-11-06 15:18

Hormiga Project

Hormiga is a language designed to be simple and powerful, allowing users without software programming knowledge to make the programs needed to automate the calculations of everyday problems. Generally, it is necessary only for the users to be aware of the problem they want to solve. The language allows programmers to focus on the problem and not to worry about the interactive interface with the user. The programmer will have to state the instructions to solve a problem, in the same way they would do manually. The steps may depend one upon the other. Like most languages, Hormiga has support for functions and the possibility of creating libraries of commonly used code. Unlike most languages, Hormiga automatically and dynamically creates the graphical user interface (GUI) for programs, has support for calculating definite integrals in multiple dimensions, and incorporates a new concept called Step, similar to a procedure of Pascal, but allowing you to state dependences between them.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2004-11-07 21:37

links2world Firewall

links2world Firewall is an iptables script generator for Linux 2.4.x or newer kernels. The configuration file is very human readable and easy to understand and write. It does not matter if you have one, two, three, or twenty network interfaces; it is able to generate stateful iptables rule sets that control the packet flows between all the networks your machine is attached to.

(Machine Translation)