TraffStats is a monitoring and traffic analysis application that uses
SNMP to collect data from any enabled device. It has the ability to
generate graphs (using jpgraph) with the option to compare and sum up
different devices. It has a multiuser-design with rights-management and
support for multiple languages.
Related ProjectsDumpper v.60.3, FOMAUSBDriver for Mac OS X, MeCab, blanco Framework, GLOBALBASE PROJECT |
mysql-diff is a commandline database structure comparator. It compares the structure of two databases. It currently works with MySQL. A database can be specified as an SQL script or as an URL to a running database. So the tool can compare two scripts, two live databases, or a database and a script. The tool outputs SQL DDL script that can be used to convert one schema to another.
Related ProjectsCosmoDB, pg_bigm, Darik's Boot and Nuke, blanco Framework, SmillaEnlarger |
Basilic is a bibliography server for research
laboratories. It automates and facilitates the
diffusion of research publications over the
Internet, automatically generating Web pages from
a publication database. Each publication has an
associated Web page, which provides downloads and
additional documents (abstract, images, BibTeX).
Index pages are also created, including a search
engine with several options for results display.
New publications can be added to the database in
an instant.
Related ProjectsMPC-BE, Win32 Disk Imager, MeCab, XOOPS, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema |
JavaEye Reporting Tool is a Web-based database
reporting tool. It allows users to create flexible
reports without any programming. Reports can be
created to quickly share information via the Web.
Related Projectscoroid project, blanco Framework, pg_bigm, Sledge, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema |
Harbour is a free, cross-platform compiler for the Xbase language. It is designed to be as compatible with CA-Clipper as humanly possible. Harbour ships with full source and makefiles, and combined with one of many C compilers will create executables which run natively on the following platforms: Linux, FreeBSD, DOS, Windows 3.x/9x/NT/W2000, and OS/2.
Related ProjectsDeSmuME, TERASOLUNA Framework, Properties Editor, TuxGuitar, Darik's Boot and Nuke |
RefDB is a reference database and bibliography tool for SGML, XML, and LaTeX documents. Command-line tools allow interactive or scriptable access to the data which are stored in a SQL database. RefDB can also be accessed through a Web interface, a SRU interface, or via editor extensions (Emacs/vim). Libraries for Perl and PHP are available for programmers. RefDB provides sophisticated character encoding handling, using Unicode by default.
Related ProjectsTOMBO, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Dumpper v.60.3, MeCab, MPC-BE |
PhpLabware is a database system with features similar to Filemaker and Access, but is completely Web-based. Relational
databases can be defined through the Web interface and extended with PHP plugin code. User and group access is regulated at the record level. It was written by and for life sciences research scientists, but should be generally useful as a Web-based front end to SQL databases.
Related ProjectsDBViewer Plugin for Eclipse 開発プロジェクト, pg_bigm, MPC-BE, blanco Framework, MeCab |
InfiniDB Community Edition is a scale-up, column-oriented database for data warehousing, analytics, business intelligence, and read-intensive applications. InfiniDB's data warehouse columnar engine is multi-terabyte capable and supports a MySQL interface.
Related ProjectsTritonn, DeSmuME, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, blanco Framework, SmillaEnlarger |
Neo4j is a graph database, a fully transactional database that stores data structured as graphs. A graph is a flexible data structure that allows for a more agile and rapid style of development. You can think of Neo4j as a high-performance graph engine with all the features of a mature and robust database. The programmer works with an object-oriented, flexible network structure rather than with strict and static tables, yet enjoys all the benefits of a fully transactional, enterprise-strength database. The community edition is GPLv3 licensed, while the advanced and enterprise editions are AGPLv3 licensed.
Related ProjectsTuxGuitar, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, OpenOLAP, Darik's Boot and Nuke, DeSmuME |
MyPasswordSafe is a straightforward, easy-to-use password keychain/manager that
uses the Blowfish algorithm to store encrypted passwords. It uses the same
file format as Password Safe.
Related ProjectsDarik's Boot and Nuke, Seasar, GLOBALBASE PROJECT, SmillaEnlarger, pg_bigm |
CrunchyFrog is a database navigator and SQL
client. Currently, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle,
SQLite3, MS SQL Server, Firebird, Informix, and MaxDB are supported for browsing and querying.
Related ProjectsSmillaEnlarger, TuxGuitar, MalonNote, Ludia, DBViewer Plugin for Eclipse 開発プロジェクト |
PartKeepr is an electronic part inventory management software. It helps you to keep track of your available parts and assist you with re-ordering parts. It is designed for hackerspaces with multiple users, but you can also use it to manage your personal electronic part inventory.
Related ProjectsDarik's Boot and Nuke, pg_bigm, DeSmuME, Freeverb3VST, iReport-Designer for JasperReports |
Mckoi SQL Database is a full featured SQL-92 relational database management system written in Java. The software can operate as either a dedicated multi-client, multi-threaded database server, or can be used as an embedded database inside a Java application. The engine is designed to be easy to use and maintain and versatile for sophisticated database development tasks. The software provides a JDBC 2.0 driver.
Related ProjectsDarik's Boot and Nuke, SmillaEnlarger, Ludia, DeSmuME, blanco Framework |
Enzyme is an architecture for creating user-searching-user applications. Right now, it is primarily useful as a resume create/search and HR management system. However, it's potential uses are wide-ranging, and it offers PHP developers an alternative to relying on simple "keyword" searching systems.
Related Projectsblanco Framework, MeCab, GLOBALBASE PROJECT, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, WordPress Plugins/JSeries |
AgileWiki is a composable platform for advanced
Web-based and P2P networks. It allows multiple
points of entry, where each node is an information
fusion system with controlled access, pluggable
applications, and native deductive reasoning.
Related ProjectsDumpper v.60.3, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, 独自ビルドプロジェクト, MeCab, Properties Editor |