Meld is a visual diff and merge tool. It integrates with most version control systems. The diff viewer lets you edit files in place (diffs update dynamically), and a middle column shows detailed changes and allows merges. The margins show location of changes for easy browsing, and it also features a tabbed interface that allows you to open many diffs at once.
Related ProjectsAmateras, Properties Editor, TortoiseSVN, Dumpper v.60.3, All-In-One Project |
TortoiseHg is a cross-platform frontend for the Mercurial SCM (Hg). It has GNOME/Nautilus integration and command line support.
Related ProjectsWin32 Disk Imager, rktSQLite for PHP, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, MeCab, Dumpper v.60.3 |
pepper is a commandline tool for retrieving statistics and generating reports from source code repositories. It ships with several graphical and textual reports, and is easily extensible using the Lua scripting language. It includes support for multiple version control systems, including Git and Subversion.
Related ProjectsMPC-BE, TortoiseSVN, Dumpper v.60.3, WinMerge Portable 改造版, MeCab |
CVS, GIT, and Mercurial as well as other well-known version control systems cannot version directories. In other words, you cannot add empty directories. A "workaround" for this issue is to use placeholder files that are placed into empty directories. These placeholder files can then be committed into the repository and will make sure that, upon checkout, the directory tree is entirely reconstructed. The problem with using placeholder files is that you need to create them, and need to delete them if they are not necessary anymore (because sub-directories or real files were added). With big source trees, managing these placeholder files can be cumbersome and error prone. MarkEmptyDirs can manage the creation/deletion of such placeholder files automatically. It creates placeholder files in all empty "leaf" directories. If later on new files or directories are put into such directories, the placeholder files are not necessary anymore, and are removed automatically.
Related ProjectsDeSmuME, TortoiseSVN, Properties Editor, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, SharpDevelop-jp |
owl2vcs is a set of tools designed to facilitate version control of OWL 2 ontologies using version control systems. It contains a commandline diff tool for OWL 2 ontologies integrated with Git and Mercurial. It detects axioms additions and removals, imports' additions and removals, ontology annotations' additions and removals, prefix additions, removals, modifications, and renames, ontology IRI and version IRI changes, and ontology format changes. It supports RDF/XML, OWL/XML, OWL Functional Syntax, Manchester OWL Syntax, and Turtle. It provides a changeset serializer and parser, two formats of changes, compact (like OWL Functional Syntax) and indented (the same, but more readable, using indents instead of parentheses), and four formats of IRIs: Simple, QName, Full, and Label.
Related ProjectsSmillaEnlarger, TuxGuitar, All-In-One Project, DeSmuME, TortoiseGit Japanese language pack |
hg-diff is a simple GUI program to browse mercurial revisions. It is used to display a summary of all changes between two revisions and to display a graphical comparison of the two versions of each changed file.
Related ProjectsAll-In-One Project, MPC-BE, WinMerge Portable 改造版, TortoiseGit Japanese language pack, Win32 Disk Imager |
Various extensions for the Mercurial SCM ( These extensions enhance the core system as well as the popular cross-platform GUI TortoiseHg (
Register Date: 2019-10-31 21:02
Related ProjectsTortoiseHg |
TurnKey Revision Control Appliance is an integrated revision control server combining the best open source version control systems: Subversion, Git, Bazaar, and Mercurial. A Web interface is included for each system, making it easy to browse through the code base, compare revisions, and manage repositories for multiple projects. No configuration is required and security patches are automatically installed. A Web management interface, configuration console, and AJAX Web shell are provided. To minimize footprint the appliance is built from the ground up with the minimum required components. It runs everywhere thanks to multiple build formats, including an installable live CD, a VMDK with OVF support, and an Amazon EC2 AMI.
Related ProjectsTuxGuitar, SmillaEnlarger, Programming Language ADP, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, Darik's Boot and Nuke |
Deluxeloginfo is a tool that generates periodic emails with commit logs and full diff/patches. Such emails, when sent to mailing lists, are very useful for code review purposes. It is highly flexible, has many configuration options, and supports Subversion, git, and hg.
Related ProjectsDeSmuME, SmillaEnlarger, Programming Language ADP, Darik's Boot and Nuke, TuxGuitar |
RhodeCode (formerly hg-app) is a Pylons framework based Mercurial repository browser/management with a built-in push/pull server and full text search. It works on http/https, has built-in permission/authentication (+ldap) features. It's similar to github or bitbucket, but it's supposed to run as a standalone hosted application and it focuses more on restricted access to repositories. It's powered by a VCS library that can handle many various version control systems.
Related ProjectsProgramming Language ADP, Darik's Boot and Nuke, DeSmuME, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, TuxGuitar |
repos-tools is a set of command-line utilities to make work on your code repositories faster and easier. It lets you push, pull, build, and do other things on your repositories all at once. The supported (D)VCSes are Git, Subersion, Bazaar, and Mercurial. For GitHub users, forking, following, watching, and dealing with issues can be done from the shell.
Related ProjectsiReport-Designer for JasperReports, All-In-One Project, DeSmuME, TuxGuitar, Darik's Boot and Nuke |
TortoiseHgは、MS WindowsのExplorerから直接Mercurial SCM(HG)を利用することができるシェル拡張です。他のSCM用のTortoiseGit、TortoiseSVN、TortoiseCVSも合わせてご利用ください。
Related ProjectsOneSQLiteAdmin, Win32 Disk Imager, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Dumpper v.60.3, MPC-BE |
Mercurial HeadQuarter is a Web service for managing Mercurial repositories. It allows the user to define contact names, define project descriptions, set up access (read and write), set which types of archives are allowed, define encoding charsets, hide/unhide projects, set the presentation style, and redirect access and error logs to files.
Related ProjectsYANMAH2 - 携帯端末のための代替, Programming Language ADP, TuxGuitar, RSS generator for the security holes memo, Darik's Boot and Nuke |
SvnHg is a command-line tool to convert from a Subversion repository to a Mercurial one, preserving the whole history of the repository.
Related ProjectsSmillaEnlarger, WebSVN Administrator (Subversionリポジトリ管理), Darik's Boot and Nuke, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, fsvn.el |