Simple Project List Software Map

1549 projects in result set
LastUpdate: 2011-10-05 19:23


MS-DOS emulation on the console.

Development Status: 3 - Alpha
Natural Language: Japanese
Operating System: Windows
Programming Language: C
Topics: Emulators
Register Date: 2011-08-27 08:32


注意:本プロジェクトは Sun の画像ライブラリ Jimi とは無関係です。 CAUTION: This project don't have nothing to do with Sun's class library for managing images Jimi.

使用するカラーパレットを指定して画像を減色するプログラムの開発を行ないます。 ColorReducer なんて名前がついてますが、「減色」は "Color quantization" が正しいようです。

進捗は不真面目ですが、進行は真面目にやろうかと思っています。 現在の状況はGoogle調査中...

Development Status: 1 - Planning
Programming Language: C++
User Interface: Command-line
Register Date: 2010-02-05 04:20

The VSCode Tasks Highlighters (vth briefly) is a small utility that contains highlighters for output from some popular commands. It comes with support for the Apache Maven command line utility and Oracle WebLogic logging. Other highlighters can be included, just download the project and develop your own algorithm. The vth uses the Anak Krakatoa Delphi Framework, so it will be needed for the build.

Despite the project name, vth can be used in any development environment or IDE that is capable of running command line programs.

Development Status: 4 - Beta
Target Users: Developers
Natural Language: Brazilian Portuguese
Operating System: Windows
Programming Language: Delphi/Kylix
User Interface: Command-line
Register Date: 2019-05-08 04:07


dtools is a set of small tools for managing development files for Doom.

dbuildpk3 It is similar to running make, but is generally faster and knows how to handle more complex things such as compiling ACS libraries for a target.

dlevelinfo is used to print information about a level.

dlevelimage is used to generate an SVG image of a level.

Development Status: 3 - Alpha
Natural Language: English
User Interface: Command-line
Register Date: 2021-04-26 16:06
LastUpdate: 2023-04-21 00:00


Get mother wavelet from seriarized data. This library is moderately withered.

Development Status: 7 - Inactive
Natural Language: English
Programming Language: C++
Topics: Mathematics
User Interface: Command-line
Register Date: 2020-08-30 16:05
LastUpdate: 2010-04-24 12:30


A command to update ClamAV automatically until installation from downloading in place of the user who build it from sources. We develop FreshClamDaemon and ClamAntiVirusDaemon related to ClamAV for Mac OS X.

LastUpdate: 2013-12-21 19:21


REVIVE USB ( 用の、キーコード設定ユーティリティ

Development Status: 4 - Beta
Operating System: Windows 7, Windows Vista
Programming Language: C++
User Interface: Command-line
Register Date: 2013-12-18 03:54
LastUpdate: 2013-07-05 08:32


We develop and maintain the OMA DM client developed by the Funambol DM client project including: - fix bugs of the original client - develop new DM applications, ex, Firmware Update Over the Air, Lock and Wipe and Software Components Management

Development Status: 4 - Beta
Natural Language: English
Operating System: Android, Linux, Windows XP
Programming Language: C++, Java
Register Date: 2013-03-15 10:19
LastUpdate: 2020-05-23 18:40



* 画像ファイルの更新日時をその画像の撮影日時とします。(Exi情報は無視します)
  ※ 対象とするファイルは'*.jpg'のみ

* 精確な時刻との時差を入力することで、撮影日時...

Development Status: 4 - Beta
Natural Language: Japanese
Operating System: OS Independent
Programming Language: Java
User Interface: Command-line
Register Date: 2012-10-09 00:17
LastUpdate: 2023-06-08 00:00


Categorizer which is based on equivocality and complexity on given dimension concern with hidden invariant. This library is moderately withered.

Development Status: 7 - Inactive
Target Users: Other Viewers
Natural Language: English
Operating System: OS Independent
Programming Language: C++
Topics: Mathematics
User Interface: Command-line
Register Date: 2020-12-14 23:38
LastUpdate: 2013-12-29 22:37


昔なつかし2画面のコンソールファイラ(CUIファイラ)、mfiler4のプロジェクト。(コンソールファイラは国産アーキテクチャがあったころのMS-DOS時代に盛んに作られていた)。インタラクティブシェルxyzshを組み込み、柔軟にファイルの管理やスクリプトの実行ができる。 Linux, OSXに対応しています。インストールにはxyzshのインストールが必要となります。先にxyzshをインストールしてください。


2pain console file manager with xyzsh shell script language. This features wide variety file view and file sort mode, virtual directory with find or grep, and seamless cooperation with xyzsh interactive shell. You can run bash or Finder or natilus from this.

Register Date: 2012-10-24 00:34
LastUpdate: 2011-01-23 11:19

individual password generator

indivpas generates individual passwords per site - user basis with salted one-way hash algorithm.

Database Environment: Flat-file
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable
Target Users: Advanced End Users
Natural Language: English, Japanese
Programming Language: C#, Unix Shell
User Interface: .NET/Mono, Command-line
Register Date: 2009-11-17 20:15


画像処理のルーチンを集めたライブラリです。 メモリの確保と開放は当ライブラリ内では行わず、一般的な画像処理をCPUで出来るだけ高速に行う事を目的としています。

Development Status: 2 - Pre-Alpha
Target Users: Developers
Natural Language: Japanese
Operating System: Windows
Programming Language: C++
User Interface: Command-line
Register Date: 2010-02-13 20:19
LastUpdate: 2020-02-08 01:44


AVR Downloader/UploaDEr (Forked from

Target Users: Developers
Programming Language: C, C++
User Interface: Command-line
Register Date: 2020-01-02 05:35