Software Map Project List (21601 / 60554 ...)

Unix Group Name Group Name Description Download
sillyview(freshmeat) sillyview sillyview provides support for using the model-... DOWNLOAD
smb-backup(freshmeat) Samba share backup tool Samba share backup tool automates the process o... DOWNLOAD
licq-osd(freshmeat) licq-osd The licq-osd plugin that enables licq to displa... DOWNLOAD
plumpos(freshmeat) PlumpOS PlumpOS is a bootable openMosix node on a CD. P... DOWNLOAD
bhmis(freshmeat) BananaMIS BananaMIS is a set of PHP pages to ease adminis... DOWNLOAD
satellite2(freshmeat) Satellite2 Satellite is a Web site indexing and search pac... DOWNLOAD
zebot(freshmeat) zebot Zebot is an IRC bot with a completely modular d... DOWNLOAD
regina(freshmeat) Regina Rexx Interpreter Regina is an implementation of the 1996 ANSI St... DOWNLOAD
tcb-portmap(freshmeat) TCB::PortMap TCB::PortMap is a basic network port tracking ... DOWNLOAD
echoart(freshmeat) Echoart Echoart responds to or drops ICMP echo request... DOWNLOAD
sptool(freshmeat) SportTool SportTool is a training log for athletes. It su... DOWNLOAD
sslsmurf(freshmeat) sslsmurf sslsmurf is a local proxy that can capture HTTP... DOWNLOAD
phpdocwriter(freshmeat) PHP DocWriter PHP DocWriter is a set of PHP classes that gene... DOWNLOAD
matra(freshmeat) Matra Matra is an XML DTD parser utility. It parses ... DOWNLOAD
cvpframework(freshmeat) CVPFrameWork CVPFrameWork is a complete framework solution ... DOWNLOAD
qpong(freshmeat) QPong QPong is another clone of the game "pong&q... DOWNLOAD
hondero(freshmeat) Hondero SE Honsero SE (The Hondero Search Engine) is a We... DOWNLOAD
halloc(freshmeat) halloc Hierarchical alloc (halloc) is an extension to ... DOWNLOAD
m2m(freshmeat) m2m m2m is a small script that extracts the "m... DOWNLOAD
gnome-breakout(freshmeat) GNOME Breakout GNOME Breakout is an implementation of the old ... DOWNLOAD
jac-aop(freshmeat) Java Aspect Components JAC is a Java framework that provides some faci... DOWNLOAD
cgi_shtml(freshmeat) CGI::SHTML CGI::SHTML is a perl module for parsing Apache ... DOWNLOAD
tcb-internal(freshmeat) TCB::Internal This pseudo-module is used by TCB web scripts t... DOWNLOAD
tcb-equipment(freshmeat) TCB::Equipment TCB::Equipment is a DBIx::Frame object written ... DOWNLOAD
tcblibrary(freshmeat) TCB::Library TCB::Library is a DBIx::Frame object written to... DOWNLOAD
skippy(freshmeat) Skippy Skippy is a full screen pager for X11, not enti... DOWNLOAD
tcb-publications(freshmeat) TCB::Publications TCB::Publications a DBIx::Frame object written ... DOWNLOAD
opensong(freshmeat) OpenSong OpenSong is an application for managing chords ... DOWNLOAD
tinyxml(freshmeat) TinyXML TinyXml is a simple, small, and minimal C++ XML... DOWNLOAD
net-sonar(freshmeat) sonar sonar is a network reconnaissance utility. It r... DOWNLOAD
eboxy(freshmeat) eboxy eboxy is an application for building simple use... DOWNLOAD
xmcd(freshmeat) Xmcd Xmcd is a full-featured CD player and ripper so... DOWNLOAD
falsoyd(freshmeat) Falsoyd Falsoyd is a little shoot-em-up for your deskto... DOWNLOAD
plonemaintenance(freshmeat) PloneMaintenance PloneMaintenance automates the maintenance of y... DOWNLOAD
grufspaces(freshmeat) GrufSpaces GrufSpaces lets your teams work together in sha... DOWNLOAD
qjpro(freshmeat) QJ-Pro QJ-Pro is a comprehensive software inspection t... DOWNLOAD
madman(freshmeat) madman madman is a music manager application in the ve... DOWNLOAD
buzzword(freshmeat) buzzword Buzzword is a PHP/MySQL home page suite, curre... DOWNLOAD
joinpdf(freshmeat) joinPDF joinPDF is a command line tool to join and spli... DOWNLOAD
mass_pl(freshmeat) mass is a program that lets a system administra... DOWNLOAD
tklife(freshmeat) TkLife TkLife is a multipurpose artistic program desig... DOWNLOAD
facedetect(freshmeat) facedetect facedetect is a simple face detector for batch ... DOWNLOAD
gswitchit-plugins(freshmeat) GSwitchIt Plugins GSwitchIt Plugins is a set of plugins that exte... DOWNLOAD
sysctr-lib(freshmeat) LibSysCTr LibSysCTr is a utility library that can be used... DOWNLOAD
clamaktion(freshmeat) clamaktion clamaktion is a little utility that allows user... DOWNLOAD
libfilth(freshmeat) Libfilth Libfilth is a library for designing, analysing,... DOWNLOAD
qtid3(freshmeat) QT ID3 Tag Editor QT ID3 Tag Editor allows users to edit both ID3... DOWNLOAD
textowebpublishing(freshmeat) TexToWebPublishing TeXToWebPublishing is a Perl script that produc... DOWNLOAD
xapmmon(freshmeat) xapmmon Xapmmon is an power level monitor for Linux sys... DOWNLOAD
rumor(freshmeat) Rumor Rumor is a realtime monophonic (with chords) MI... DOWNLOAD
lsmlib(freshmeat) LsmLib LsmLib is a C library for archiving directories... DOWNLOAD
plucker(freshmeat) plucker Plucker is an offline Web and eBook viewer for ... DOWNLOAD
game_stats(freshmeat) Game Stats Game Stats generates Web-based static HTML stat... DOWNLOAD
blastoncd(freshmeat) BLAST on CD BLAST on CD is a live CD distribution based on ... DOWNLOAD
tcb-addressbook(freshmeat) TCB::AddressBook TCB::AddressBook is a basic database-backed ad... DOWNLOAD
tcb-seminar(freshmeat) TCB::Seminar TCB::Seminar is a DBIx::Frame object that was ... DOWNLOAD
simplescript(freshmeat) SIMPLE/Ego-Script SIMPLE (Recursively: SIMPLE Is Moth's Python La... DOWNLOAD
vsl(freshmeat) Versioned Storage Layer The Versioned Storage Layer library provides an... DOWNLOAD
gwav2ogg(freshmeat) Gwav2ogg This is a GTK-2.4.x front-end to the popular og... DOWNLOAD
perlwm(freshmeat) perlwm perlwm is a window manager written in Perl. It ... DOWNLOAD
famuko(freshmeat) Famuko Famuko is a little antivirus program for filese... DOWNLOAD
mp3ql(freshmeat) mp3ql mp3ql is a highly customizable tool for browsin... DOWNLOAD
freesb(freshmeat) FreeSB FreeSB is a (service oriented) alternative to h... DOWNLOAD
mount-iso-image(freshmeat) Mount ISO image Mount ISO Image is an advanced script that make... DOWNLOAD
pkgrebuild(freshmeat) pkgrebuild pkrebuild is a tool for rebuild pkg packages. I... DOWNLOAD
makemake(freshmeat) Makemake generates C/C++ makefiles out of sh... DOWNLOAD
wflogs(freshmeat) WallFire wflogs Wflogs is a firewall log analysis tool. It can ... DOWNLOAD
jsynoptic(freshmeat) JSynoptic JSynoptic is a tool dedicated to rendering info... DOWNLOAD
vexim(freshmeat) Virtual Exim Virtual Exim is a PHP-enabled Web interface for... DOWNLOAD
ehs(freshmeat) Embedded HTTP Server Embedded HTTP Server (EHS) is a C++ class which... DOWNLOAD
pme(freshmeat) PME PME is a C++ wrapper around the PCRE library. ... DOWNLOAD
lesshotspotserv(freshmeat) Less Networks Hotspot Server The Less Networks Hotspot Server is a free WiFi... DOWNLOAD
lpm(freshmeat) Linux from scratch Package Manager LPM, the Linux from scratch Package Manager, pr... DOWNLOAD
cube-osx(freshmeat) Cube-OSX Cube-OSX is an unofficial port of Wouter van Oo... DOWNLOAD
jxl(freshmeat) JExcelApi JExcelAPI allows Java developers to read Excel ... DOWNLOAD
hiercat(freshmeat) hiercat Hiercat is an automatic text classifier that us... DOWNLOAD
kcolors(freshmeat) Kinga's Colors Kinga's Colors is a Java (MIDL1) clone of a gam... DOWNLOAD
librational(freshmeat) libRational libRational provides a C++ class interface arou... DOWNLOAD
pluk(freshmeat) Pluk Pluk is an object-oriented programming language... DOWNLOAD
kim-browser(freshmeat) KDE CIM browser The KDE CIM Browser is a KDE-based frontend to ... DOWNLOAD
news-archive(freshmeat) News::Archive News::Archive is a Usenet news archiving packag... DOWNLOAD
libglfps(freshmeat) libglfps libglfps adds a framerate display to OpenGL ap... DOWNLOAD
gtktetcolor(freshmeat) gtktetcolor gtktetcolor is a GTK+ reimplementation of tetco... DOWNLOAD
nerorip(freshmeat) NeroRip NeroRip is a tool that rips tracks from Nero 5.... DOWNLOAD
msysklogd(freshmeat) msysklogd Msysklogd is a small and simple syslog and kern... DOWNLOAD
qdu(freshmeat) QDU QDU is a graphical disk usage tool. It lets you... DOWNLOAD
pmem(freshmeat) pmem pmem (Process Memory Information) is a small Li... DOWNLOAD
innacl(freshmeat) INN ACL INN ACL is the INN News server with patches for... DOWNLOAD
freestdf(freshmeat) Free STDF The FreeSTDF project is about providing open s... DOWNLOAD
dbixframe(freshmeat) DBIx::Frame DBIx::Frame is an extension of the standard DBI... DOWNLOAD
ldapfs(freshmeat) LDAPfs LDAPfs is pseudo filesystem that provides acce... DOWNLOAD
tcb-mysql(freshmeat) TCB::mysql TCB::mysql is a DBIx::Frame interface to the de... DOWNLOAD
roundhouse(freshmeat) Roundhouse Roundhouse is a modular J2EE application platfo... DOWNLOAD
ipfm2psql(freshmeat) ipfm2psql ipfm2psql is a Perl script to parse the IP Flow... DOWNLOAD
tcb-conference(freshmeat) TCB::Conference TCB::Conference is a DBIx::Frame object written... DOWNLOAD
rivet(freshmeat) Apache Rivet Apache Rivet is a system for creating dynamic W... DOWNLOAD
tacshell(freshmeat) tacshell tacshell is a drop-in replacement for sdshell (... DOWNLOAD
configfile(freshmeat) ConfigFile ConfigFile is a configuration file reader class... DOWNLOAD
cajun(freshmeat) Cajun Cajun is a program that allows you to turn any ... DOWNLOAD
naf(freshmeat) NAF NAF is a set of administration programs for use... DOWNLOAD

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