Software Map Project List (40301 / 60554 ...)

Unix Group Name Group Name Description Download
tomplayer(sfnet) TomPlayer A multimedia player for tomtom GPS. DOWNLOAD
spice-gtk(freshmeat) spice-gtk Spice-GTK is a set of GObject and Gtk objects f... DOWNLOAD
gnomes-quest(freshmeat) Gnome's Quest Gnome's Quest is a game that allows fighting an... DOWNLOAD
open-basic(freshmeat) Open Basic interpreter for embedding Open Basic (OB) is an implementation of the BAS... DOWNLOAD
aumix(freshmeat) aumix aumix is a program for adjusting an audio mixer... DOWNLOAD
pidgin-lastfm(sfnet) pidgin-lastfm This Pdgin plugin displays information from you... DOWNLOAD
cpu-usage(freshmeat) cpu-usage cpu-usage is a tool for performance testing, si... DOWNLOAD
eja(sfnet) eja This is a forking and extensible micro web serv... DOWNLOAD
opensixen(sfnet) opensiXen ERP opensiXen ERP open source. opensiXen es una sol... DOWNLOAD
ant-eclipse(sfnet) Ant-Eclipse - Eclipse project generator Ant-Eclipse is a task for the Java build tool A... DOWNLOAD
tracecat(freshmeat) tracecat tracecat is a libcsdbg utility which concatenat... DOWNLOAD
htmlawed(freshmeat) htmLawed htmLawed is a PHP script that makes input text ... DOWNLOAD
hermes-orm(freshmeat) Hermes ORM Hermes is an ORM for Java based on the ActiveRe... DOWNLOAD
tiny-movie-organizer(freshmeat) Tiny Movie Organizer Tiny Movie Organizer helps copy or back up movi... DOWNLOAD
sieve(freshmeat) Sieve Sieve is intended to be an editor for Sieve mai... DOWNLOAD
ipof(freshmeat) ipof ipof is a shell tool which resolves hostnames t... DOWNLOAD
yumpkgs(freshmeat) yumpkgs yumpkgs is a tool to help people download the r... DOWNLOAD
wolf-software-stack-class(freshmeat) Wolf Software Stack Class Wolf Software Stack Class is a complete impleme... DOWNLOAD
md2web(freshmeat) md2web md2web generates static websites from pages in ... DOWNLOAD
wolf-software-queue-class(freshmeat) Wolf Software Queue Class Wolf Software Queue Class is a classic queue im... DOWNLOAD
json2excel(sfnet) json2excel Java library that easily converts a Json array ... DOWNLOAD
zaggxbmcaddons(sfnet) ZaggXbmcAddons Here are my addons for Openelec/Xbmc Mostly Emu... DOWNLOAD
hex2bin(sfnet) Hex2bin Converts Motorola and Intel hex files to binary... DOWNLOAD
appwsgi(sfnet) appwsgi Illustration of building your own ajax framewor... DOWNLOAD
molinos-cms(freshmeat) Molinos CMS Molinos CMS is a modular CMS. It supports multi... DOWNLOAD
clustershell(freshmeat) ClusterShell ClusterShell is a set of tools and an event-bas... DOWNLOAD
drcsound(freshmeat) DR-CSOUND DR-CSOUND is a graphical drum machine interface... DOWNLOAD
symptoms-and-diseases-database(freshmeat) Symptoms and Diseases Database Symptoms-and-diseases-database (SADDB) is a Web... DOWNLOAD
chain-ssh(freshmeat) chain-ssh This package provides a tool for 'chained' SSH ... DOWNLOAD
imorph(freshmeat) iMorph iMorph is cross platform 3D image analysis soft... DOWNLOAD
infoscoop-opensource(freshmeat) infoScoop OpenSource infoScoop OpenSource is a flexible portal frame... DOWNLOAD
stx-cbtreedb(freshmeat) stx::CBTreeDB The stx::CBTreeDB is a collection of C++ classe... DOWNLOAD
mp3tagmanager(sfnet) MP3 ID3 Java Tag Library Tool This Java software is useful to set id3v1 and i... DOWNLOAD
nfswatch(sfnet) nfswatch NFSwatch lets you monitor NFS requests to any g... DOWNLOAD
commbridge(sfnet) CommBridge Provide a universal communication platform betw... DOWNLOAD
modbusmaster(sfnet) ModbusMaster Arduino class library for communicating with Mo... DOWNLOAD
qdpm(sfnet) qdpm qdPM is a free web-based project management too... DOWNLOAD
smartrouter(sfnet) SmartRouter Project SmartRouter Project A GNU/Linux Router, Firewal... DOWNLOAD
muralimohanav(sfnet) muralimohanav Hai this rkdatalink DOWNLOAD
kitchensink-vm(sfnet) kitchensink-vm KitchenSink is a secure file transfer mechanism... DOWNLOAD
spacebombuzz(sfnet) spacebombuzz All about Nimbuzz application ! DOWNLOAD
masna(freshmeat) Masna Masna provides a simple graphical interface (GU... DOWNLOAD
d3lolskins(sfnet) (D3) LOL Skin Pack The D3 Community LOL skin pack of all the chara... DOWNLOAD
liblogging(freshmeat) liblogging Liblogging is an easy-to-use, cross-platform li... DOWNLOAD
wolf-software-server-status(freshmeat) Wolf Software Server Status Wolf Software Server Status is the first part o... DOWNLOAD
chemkit(freshmeat) chemkit Chemkit is a C++ library for molecular modellin... DOWNLOAD
java-based-file-splitter-and-j(freshmeat) Java File Splitter And Joiner Java File Splitter And Joiner is a GUI that spl... DOWNLOAD
portscangeoinfo(freshmeat) PortscanGeoInfo PortscanGeoinfo is a plugin for the powerful Pr... DOWNLOAD
deville0247(sfnet) deville0247 Partage de ressources DOWNLOAD
echopoint(sfnet) Echo Point The EchoPoint project provides a rich collectio... DOWNLOAD
snmp4zabbix(freshmeat) snmp4zabbix snmp4zabbix provides a simple SNMP interface to... DOWNLOAD
btanks(sfnet) Battle Tanks Fast 2d tank arcade game with multiplayer and s... DOWNLOAD
minecraftturkey(sfnet) LadySmith in Minecraft Mod Yeri Büyük operasyona hazırlanın Project has been su... DOWNLOAD
ufpm(freshmeat) UFPM When moving files between filesystems that have... DOWNLOAD
hrm(sfnet) Huygens Remote Manager The Huygens Remote Manager is an open-source, e... DOWNLOAD
fluxbb(freshmeat) FluxBB FluxBB is a fast, light, user-friendly forum ap... DOWNLOAD
eskit(freshmeat) ESKit ESKit is a portable C library that provides imp... DOWNLOAD
noosfero(freshmeat) Noosfero Noosfero is a Web platform for social networks.... DOWNLOAD
dog-domotic-osgi-gateway(freshmeat) Dog Domotic OSGi Gateway Dog is a Domotic OSGi Gateway. In other words, ... DOWNLOAD
precurio(freshmeat) Precurio Precurio is an intranet portal that gives your ... DOWNLOAD
infinitypfm(sfnet) Infinity PFM Infinity PFM is a open source personal finance ... DOWNLOAD
pysum(freshmeat) pysum pysum is a simple PyGTK application for creatin... DOWNLOAD
feedprovider(freshmeat) FEEDPROVIDER FEEDPROVIDER is a bot for pushing pubsubhubbub ... DOWNLOAD
pcp(freshmeat) pcp PCP is a download program which can copy files ... DOWNLOAD
tilige(freshmeat) Tilige Tilige is a tool that creates beautiful timelin... DOWNLOAD
gccsense(freshmeat) GCCSense GCCSense is a set of intelligent development to... DOWNLOAD
genyris(freshmeat) Genyris Genyris is a programming language inspired by t... DOWNLOAD
canvasxpress(freshmeat) CanvasXpress CanvasXpress is a JavaScript library based on t... DOWNLOAD
aprel(freshmeat) APreL++ APreL++ (Arbitrary Precision Library for C++) p... DOWNLOAD
noot-tuner(freshmeat) noot-tuner noot-tuner (Never-out-of-tune Instrument Tuner)... DOWNLOAD
seref(freshmeat) SERef SERef (short for "Search Engine Reference&... DOWNLOAD
ocportal(freshmeat) ocPortal ocPortal is a CMS with many Web 2.0 features fo... DOWNLOAD
libwbxml(sfnet) libwbxml libwbxml is a library to encode and decode WBXM... DOWNLOAD
kolourmatica(freshmeat) Kolourmatica Kolourmatica is a simple color space calculator... DOWNLOAD
javasol(freshmeat) JavaSolitaire JavaSolitaire is an implementation of the famou... DOWNLOAD
intervalicp(sfnet) Geometric model finder with Interval ICP Implementation of an Interval Iterative Closest... DOWNLOAD
slendermanremake(sfnet) Slender Man - Remake Game developed to learn how to work with Unity ... DOWNLOAD
jhmf(sfnet) jhmf Ny JanHelgeMan tjeneste med filmer og videoer.osv DOWNLOAD
yapet(freshmeat) YAPET YAPET is a small text based password manager. I... DOWNLOAD
s60dosbox(sfnet) Symbian DOSBox symbian s60 port of the DOSBox emulator for dev... DOWNLOAD
magnifierjs(freshmeat) Magnifier.js Magnifier.js is a JavaScript library that provi... DOWNLOAD
modbus-traffic-generator(sfnet) Modbus Traffic Generator Modbus traffic generator is a tool written in P... DOWNLOAD
netbios-share-scanner(freshmeat) SecPoint Netbios Share Scanner The Netbios Share Samba Scanner can scan C clas... DOWNLOAD
giserver(sfnet) giserver GIServer is a project based GeoTools. It is imp... DOWNLOAD
yioop(freshmeat) Yioop! Yioop! is a PHP search engine. Yioop! can be co... DOWNLOAD
alsa-midi-filter(freshmeat) midifilter The ALSA MIDI Filter application consists of a ... DOWNLOAD
ffpkclone(sfnet) Xenscape Currently, this game is just a concept modeled ... DOWNLOAD
wallcalendar(freshmeat) WallCalendar WallCalendar is a set of LaTeX wall calendar te... DOWNLOAD
password-entropy-calculator(freshmeat) Password Entropy Calculator Password Entropy Calculator is a class that cal... DOWNLOAD
texcount(freshmeat) TeXcount TeXcount is a Perl script for counting words in... DOWNLOAD
qmachine(freshmeat) QMachine QMachine (QM) is a Web service that can incorpo... DOWNLOAD
igv-intelligent(sfnet) igv-intelligent IGV allows you to easily create and edit a grap... DOWNLOAD
coreaudio-flac(sfnet) Core Audio OS X FLAC components Components for OS X that enable FLAC to be used... DOWNLOAD
taskace(sfnet) taskace This application plans and reports progress and... DOWNLOAD
indie-box-project(freshmeat) Indie Box Project Indie Box Project works to simplify the install... DOWNLOAD
bb-ant-tools(sfnet) BlackBerry Ant Tools Simple yet powerful custom ant tasks for buildi... DOWNLOAD
mpm(sfnet) mpm Main Phase Modeling, MPM, is a implementation o... DOWNLOAD
winpooch(sfnet) Winpooch Watchdog THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN ABANDONED SINCE 2007, NO ... DOWNLOAD
osb(sfnet) osb These precompiled (deployable) open source bina... DOWNLOAD
plibconfig(freshmeat) Portable Libconfig Libconfig is a configuration file processing l... DOWNLOAD

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