Software Map Project List (36001 / 60554 ...)

Unix Group Name Group Name Description Download
mychem(freshmeat) Mychem Mychem is an extension that provides a set of f... DOWNLOAD
mirprimer(sfnet) miRprimer miRprimer designs primers for PCR amplification... DOWNLOAD
libqxt(freshmeat) Qxt Qxt, the Qt eXTension library, provides a suite... DOWNLOAD
screenplay-xml(freshmeat) XML-Grammar-Screenplay XML-Grammar-Screenplay is a set of Perl modules... DOWNLOAD
check_mssql_health(freshmeat) check_mssql_health check_mssql_health is a plugin for Nagios that ... DOWNLOAD
mireka(freshmeat) Mireka Mireka is a mail server with SMTP, Mail Submiss... DOWNLOAD
php-mudnames(freshmeat) php mudnames php mudnames is a PHP class that can generate r... DOWNLOAD
check_db2_health(freshmeat) check_db2_health check_db2_health is a plugin for Nagios that al... DOWNLOAD
visifire(freshmeat) Visifire Visifire is a set of data visualization compone... DOWNLOAD
tiimenu-class(freshmeat) TiiMenu Class The TiiMenu Class is a PHP class that can be us... DOWNLOAD
mysql-done-right(freshmeat) Mysql Done Right Mysql Done Right is a PHP 5.0+ class that provi... DOWNLOAD
isub-fix(sfnet) isub-fix This is a fix for the Harmon / Hardon iSub for ... DOWNLOAD
maheshanetbsd(freshmeat) MaheshaNetBSD MaheshaNetBSD is a NetBSD Live USB distribution... DOWNLOAD
rapidshareaccel(sfnet) RapidShare Download Accelerator With RapidShare Download Accelerator, you can a... DOWNLOAD
jusi(sfnet) jUSI This project provides a Java API to access ELV'... DOWNLOAD
microlog(sfnet) Microlog Microlog is a small, yet powerful logging libra... DOWNLOAD
wintin(sfnet) WinTin Wintin is a scriptable MUD client for Windows DOWNLOAD
ttyrpld(freshmeat) ttyrpld ttyrpld is a multi-OS kernel-level tty key and ... DOWNLOAD
yruba(freshmeat) yruba Yruba provides a rule system similar to make or... DOWNLOAD
comicstrip(freshmeat) comicstrip comicstrip is an application that extracts the ... DOWNLOAD
nndbs-not-a-database(freshmeat) NNDB's Not a Database NNDB is a C++ library that provides in-memory d... DOWNLOAD
pdf2textpilot(sfnet) PDF2Text Pilot PDF2Text Pilot is open-source freeware text fro... DOWNLOAD
rsbotscripts(sfnet) RSBot Script Downloads Up to date RSBot easy to browse script database... DOWNLOAD
stringmanip(sfnet) String Manipulation Library A VB module to manipulate strings. Also attemps... DOWNLOAD
tinymarbles(sfnet) tinymarbles Tiny Marbles is a Java-based Open Source websit... DOWNLOAD
seedbank(freshmeat) seedBank seedBank is a simple tool for managing Debian/U... DOWNLOAD
design-center(freshmeat) Design Center Design Center is a Web application that allows ... DOWNLOAD
php-contracts(freshmeat) PHPContracts PHPContracts is a design by contract framework ... DOWNLOAD
gpj(sfnet) Global Platform for Java SmartCardIO The project provides functionality to interface... DOWNLOAD
bookerfox(sfnet) Bookerfox A Firefox extension intended to make some web b... DOWNLOAD
etherboot(sfnet) Etherboot Etherboot is Open Source code for creating boot... DOWNLOAD
lonenmp(sfnet) LoneNMP LNMP install shell DOWNLOAD
sshdos(sfnet) sshdos - SSH, SCP, SFTP, Telnet client SSHDOS is a DOS port of SSH, SCP, SFTP and Teln... DOWNLOAD
openiconlibrary(sfnet) Open Icon Library The goal of this project is to offer a consolid... DOWNLOAD
medley(sfnet) Medley Medley is a generic media player plugin that al... DOWNLOAD
chlastmeter(freshmeat) chlastmeter According to given list of drinks, chlastmeter ... DOWNLOAD
shapado(freshmeat) Shapado Shapado is a multi-topic and multi-language que... DOWNLOAD
dmachine(freshmeat) Download machine Download Machine is pure Java daemon that watch... DOWNLOAD
urest(freshmeat) uREST uREST is a REST-style interface for the HEYU X1... DOWNLOAD
mastersoft-video-player(freshmeat) MasterSoft Video Player MasterSoft Video Player is component for Joomla... DOWNLOAD
infinidb-community-edition(freshmeat) InfiniDB Community Edition InfiniDB Community Edition is a scale-up, colum... DOWNLOAD
lwazi(freshmeat) Lwazi Lwazi is a robust telephony platform aiming to ... DOWNLOAD
archlinux-development-stack(freshmeat) ArchLinux Development Stack The ArchLinux Development Stack provides a whol... DOWNLOAD
isotrol-riskmgnt-redmine-plugi(freshmeat) RiskMNGT RiskMNGT is a Redmine plugin that allows you to... DOWNLOAD
torcs(sfnet) TORCS - The Open Racing Car Simulator TORCS, The Open Racing Car Simulator is a highl... DOWNLOAD
prosper(sfnet) Prosper: high quality slides in LaTeX Prosper is a LaTeX class aiming at offering an ... DOWNLOAD
mobilerssreader(sfnet) mobilerssreader RSS Reader is a mobile J2ME (Java ME) app. that... DOWNLOAD
spaceinvadersgl(sfnet) Space Invaders OpenGL Space Invaders OpenGL is a 2D/3D clone of Space... DOWNLOAD
test247(sfnet) test testtesttesttesttest DOWNLOAD
jode(sfnet) Java Optimize and Decompile Environment JODE is a java package containing a decompiler ... DOWNLOAD
xquizit(sfnet) XquiziT XquiziT Rom's and Themes DOWNLOAD
toysbox(sfnet) ToySbox-ScratchboxLivecd Learning embedded linux with scratchbox Firmwar... DOWNLOAD
fstransform(freshmeat) fstransform fstransform is a tool to change a file-system f... DOWNLOAD
nero(sfnet) NERO Character Creator The NERO Character Creator is a tool designed t... DOWNLOAD
next3(sfnet) NEXT3 NEXT3® is a flavor of the widely used Ext3 file... DOWNLOAD
jspsurveylib(sfnet) Web Survey Toolbox Doing online research has never been easier. Yo... DOWNLOAD
loki-lib(sfnet) Loki A C++ library of designs, containing flexible i... DOWNLOAD
watobo(sfnet) watobo WATOBO is intended to enable security professio... DOWNLOAD
travelingsales(sfnet) Traveling Salesman traveling-salesman is a GPS -route-planning and... DOWNLOAD
ecstore(sfnet) ecstore CMS orientado al comercio electronico o e-comme... DOWNLOAD
l2tpd(sfnet) L2TP client / daemon A Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol VPN client/daemon ... DOWNLOAD
mosshe(freshmeat) MoSSHe MoSShE (MOnitoring in Simple SHell Environment)... DOWNLOAD
ngwebsite(sfnet) ngWebSite ngWebSite is a divergence of phpWebSite and tre... DOWNLOAD
dtvargentina(sfnet) dtvargentina This project aims to mirror files related to op... DOWNLOAD
bashcompletion(freshmeat) bash programmable completion Since v2.04, bash has allowed you to intelligen... DOWNLOAD
hornetq(freshmeat) HornetQ HornetQ is a multi-protocol, embeddable, high p... DOWNLOAD
xlayout(freshmeat) xlayout xlayout is a terminal-based utility to get and ... DOWNLOAD
mapmaudio(freshmeat) mapmaudio mapmaudio is an 1f42 MPEG audio stream mapper. ... DOWNLOAD
qap(freshmeat) METSlib QAP solver The METSlib QAP solver is a Tabu Search solver ... DOWNLOAD
xtrascreenhacks(freshmeat) Xtra Screen Hacks Xtra Screen Hacks is a collection of graphics d... DOWNLOAD
libpff(freshmeat) libpff libpff is a library and tools to access the Per... DOWNLOAD
python-keyboardleds(freshmeat) python-keyboardleds With python-keyboardleds, you can interact with... DOWNLOAD
relex(freshmeat) RelEx RelEx is an English-language semantic dependenc... DOWNLOAD
geny(freshmeat) GenY GenY is a chat client for Yahoo! It features in... DOWNLOAD
onceradix(freshmeat) once:radix once:radix is an integrated development environ... DOWNLOAD
vfx(freshmeat) VFX VFX is a video mixing, triggering, and manipula... DOWNLOAD
morris(freshmeat) Morris Morris is an implementation of Nine Men's Morri... DOWNLOAD
libferrisloki(freshmeat) libferrisloki libferrisloki is a Loki library that has been a... DOWNLOAD
puppylinux(freshmeat) Puppy Linux Puppy Linux is a Linux distribution that is abo... DOWNLOAD
styx-library-for-net(freshmeat) Styx library for .NET StyxLib is a .NET implementation of the Styx (9... DOWNLOAD
isotrol-docgen-bouml-plugout(freshmeat) Isotrol DocGen BOUML plugout The Isotrol DocGen BOUML plugout is a practical... DOWNLOAD
transcriber(freshmeat) Audio Transcriber Audio Transcriber records large audio samples, ... DOWNLOAD
mozilla-kiosk(freshmeat) Mozilla Kiosk Mozilla Kiosk is a kiosk-style Web browser. The... DOWNLOAD
kato(freshmeat) KATO KATO seeks to transform the Web from a time was... DOWNLOAD
annoyme(freshmeat) annoyme annoyme is a program that plays a sound effect ... DOWNLOAD
thread-weaver(freshmeat) Thread Weaver Thread Weaver is a framework for writing multit... DOWNLOAD
pdfxmlrpc(freshmeat) PDFXMLRPC PDFXMLRPC enables client-server PDF creation fr... DOWNLOAD
auxrames(freshmeat) Auxrames Auxrames is a Web-based PHP tool that allows hu... DOWNLOAD
mistletoe(freshmeat) Mistletoe Mistletoe is a JUnit extension intended for int... DOWNLOAD
kfsmd(freshmeat) kfsmd kfsmd (kernel filesystem monitor daemon) is a d... DOWNLOAD
ruby-irc-statistics-generator(freshmeat) Ruby IRC Statistics Generator risg (Ruby IRC Statistics Generator) is an IRC ... DOWNLOAD
karma(freshmeat) Karma Karma is a Web service provider for tracking &q... DOWNLOAD
tidy-yum-cache-plugin(freshmeat) Tidy YUM Cache Plugin tidy-cache is a plugin for YUM, a software mana... DOWNLOAD
jniexec(freshmeat) jniexec Jniexec provides a Java class library and a Jav... DOWNLOAD
gonvert(freshmeat) gonvert gonvert is a conversion utility that allows co... DOWNLOAD
fipa-os(sfnet) FIPA-OS Agent Toolkit FIPA-OS is a component-based toolkit enabling r... DOWNLOAD
ded(freshmeat) ded ded, the directory editor, allows you to naviga... DOWNLOAD
qastrocam-g2(freshmeat) Qastrocam-g2 Qastrocam-g2 is a fork of the Qastrocam project... DOWNLOAD
xtheater(sfnet) Xtheater MPEG-1 player in GTK+ capable of playing MPEG-1... DOWNLOAD
junit(sfnet) JUnit We are deprecating our SourceForge installation... DOWNLOAD

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